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Primary vs Secondary Sources

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Presentation on theme: "Primary vs Secondary Sources"— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary vs Secondary Sources

2 Primary Source Magna Carta (1215 CE) 17- “Ordinary lawsuits shall not follow the royal court around, but shall be held in a fixed place….” 20- “For a trivial offense, a free man shall be fined only in proportion to the degree of his offense, and for a serious offense, but not so heavily as to deprive him of his livelihood.”

3 Primary Source Questions What questions would you ask yourself about the Magna Carta primary source? Who created the source and why? Did the author/artist live through the event? Was the information recorded/created during the event?

4 Primary Sources Examples Speeches Documents Letters Photographs Artifacts Auto-biographies

5 Secondary Sources The Civil War Encyclopedia Did the author have firsthand information? What type of evidence did the author look at? Is the source original?

6 Secondary Source Examples Encyclopedia Biographies Textbooks/books

7 Primary Source-Artifacts Artwork Coins Stone tools Clothing Items created by man during the time period you are studying.

8 How to Analyze Art Divide the image into 4 sections and describe what you see in each section. Ask yourself questions. Where is the setting? When was it created? What is it about?






14 How to Analyze an Infographics in Textbooks Use captions and call-out boxes to help explain the drawing. Describe the significance of the drawing. What do the captions and call out boxes tell you?

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