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The Materials and Fabrication Techniques Used to Reduce Them The Materials and Fabrication Techniques Used to Reduce Them Guide-PROF.S.CHAKKA presented.

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Presentation on theme: "The Materials and Fabrication Techniques Used to Reduce Them The Materials and Fabrication Techniques Used to Reduce Them Guide-PROF.S.CHAKKA presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Materials and Fabrication Techniques Used to Reduce Them The Materials and Fabrication Techniques Used to Reduce Them Guide-PROF.S.CHAKKA presented by-SHAIKH JAWED TRIBOLOGY CONCERNS IN MEMS DEVICES

2 TRIBOLOGY ON THE MICROSCALE Surface Contact ◦Surface Roughness ◦Interfacial Forces ◦Adhesion ◦Friction Wear ◦Models ◦Environmental Effects

3 Surface Contact Surfaces Interfacial Forces ◦Capillary Forces ◦Electrostatic Forces ◦Van der Waals Forces asperities Adhesion Friction

4 Wear Wear debris identified as amorphous oxidized silicon with no polysilicon.

5 Wear Mechanisms Adhesive ◦Low contact pressures ◦Augmented asperities Abrasive ◦High contact pressures ◦Wear tracks

6 Environmental Effects on Wear Humidity ◦Volume of wear debris ◦Morphology of wear debris

7 Diamond Coatings Diamond has a variety of useful properties compared to Silicon –Low wear, low coefficient of friction, thermally stable, isotropic hardness Diamond cannot be simply made into smaller and smaller flakes, then deposited on MEMS devices Diamond (or diamond-like) film must be grown on surface.

8 Conventional CVD Methane (CH 4 ) is introduced as a plasma in a PECVD process. ◦The disassociated carbon ions deposit on the MEMS device. ◦Under correct conditions, the carbon atoms form a diamond- like film.

9 Results/Problems of Conventional PECVD Diamond Films Tribological properties better than silicon are achieved, but it’s not an ideal solution: ◦Low uniformity ◦Non-constant density ◦Amount of impurities and crystal growth suffers if dissociation is incomplete. If coating isn’t uniform, predicting failure is difficult and surface finish suffers.

10 UNCD ULTRANANOCRYSTALLINE DIAMOND A “better” method for producing diamond-like films. Grain size is 2-5nm. Unlike conventional diamond film CVD, C 60 is introduced into the reaction along with CH 4. ◦C 60 collides with itself, creating C 2 (carbon “dimers”) ◦These C 2 molecules enter the diamond lattice. ◦An abundance of C 2 is the goal of the UNCD creation process.

11 Benefits of UNCD vs. Conventional CVD Properties more like natural diamond Method allows for uniform coating Very little residual stress.

12 Demonstration Surface Finish Comparison Coating Uniformity Lack of internal stress allows for free- standing structures.

13 Self Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) OOOO Si O O OO OOO OOOO OH Deposition Two Types Silane – deposits on silicon Thiol – deposits on gold Deposition Formations Densely Packed Amorphous Structure Functional group determines: applications hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity Used as: binders for subsequent molecules lubricants Common hydrophobic SAMS: OTS (long chain hydrocarbon) FDTS (long chain fluorocarbon)

14 Interstitial SAMs for Deposition Step 1: Deposit SAM layer of 3-mercaptopropyl trimethoxysilane (-SH terminus) Step 2: Oxidize SAM layer Forms -SO 3 H terminus Step 3: Deposited Ceramic layer ZrO 2 in the presence of HCl Y 2 O 3 in the presence of urea

15 Cantilever beams are fabricated of different lengths Cantilevers are put into contact with surface Longer beams adhere to surface Longest beam that does not stick signifies adhesion force SAM coated beams adhere after longer lengths than oxide surface Cantilever Beam Array Technique Beam Structures Results

16 Proof Mass Wear Silicon Oxide FDTS Covered Post Proof Mass Post Proof Mass Apparatus Results

17 Electrostatic Lateral Output Motor Relative humidity can determine if failure occurs from Wear or Stiction

18 Cantilevers in Contact Mode Adhesion Test Tests materials at the nanoscale Cantilever tips are silicon nitride Results Friction Test

19 Conclusion Friction and Wear are the biggest issues in blocking advances of MEMS technology Once SAMS and Diamond Coatings are more fully developed, MEMS technology will be able to more completely realize its potential.

20 Reference Design of machine elements- V.B BHANDARI Fundamentals of Tribology-Basu, Sengupta, Ahuja


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