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Today’s Tech Final Project James Hanley. Overview of Digital Citizenship Digital Citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Tech Final Project James Hanley. Overview of Digital Citizenship Digital Citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Tech Final Project James Hanley

2 Overview of Digital Citizenship Digital Citizenship is the norms of appropriate, responsible technology rules. Everything we use today is technology so Digital citizenship helps users understand how to use technology appropriate. Digital citizenship is trying to help people of generation and inform people of the next generation on how to act.

3 How Many Elements of Digital Citizenship? There are nine elements that make up Digital Citizenship. 1. Digital Access 2. Digital Commerce 3. Digital Communication 4. Digital Literacy 5. Digital Etiquette 6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities 7. Digital Health and Wellness 8. Digital Law 9. Digital Security

4 Purpose Of Studying Digital Citizenship? Everything we use today is technology.The purpose of studying Digital citizenship is to the know the norms of appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology use.

5 Digital Etiquette Digital Etiquette is the electronic standards of conduct or procedure.

6 Digital Etiquette Key Terms Netiquette- the do’s and don’ts of online communication. Politeness- is the practical application of good manners or etiquette. Manners- is a term usually preceded by the word good or bad to indicate whether or not a behavior is socially acceptable. Courtesy- the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others. Respect- a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

7 Digital Etiquette Current Event A woman named Clementine Ford got Michael Nolan fired for what he said to her on Facebook. Michael nolan left inappropriate comments on Ford’s Facebook wall and many other women's accounts. Ford reported Nolan’s actions to his work Meriton Group. Meriton group then investigated the matter which lead to the firing of Nolan. Just because Michael Nolan didn’t have good Digital etiquette he got fired.

8 Digital Security Digital Security is the electronic precautions to guarantee safety.

9 Digital Security Key Terms Protection- the action of protecting someone or something, or the state of being protected. Guard- watch over in order to protect or control. Defense- the action of defending from or resisting attack. Shield- protect someone or something from a danger, risk, or unpleasant experience. Insurance- a thing providing protection against a possible eventuality.

10 Digital Security Current Event Apple security is embarrassed by Android’s digital security.Apple incorporates end-to-end encryption in its products and services, from the iPhone to FaceTime, while Google’s Android platform does not. Android’s security failings can be attributed to Google’s business model, they seek to produce inexpensive products instead of relying on revenues related to user data mining. Apple is secure economically, their product the iphone is much more expensive than cheap android phones.

11 Digital Commerce Digital Commerce is Electronic of the buying and selling of goods.

12 Digital Commerce Key terms Business- a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade. Marketing- the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. Industry- economic activity concerned with the processing of raw materials and manufacture of goods in factories. Retailing-sell (goods) to the public by retail. Merchandise- goods to be bought and sold.

13 Digital Commerce Current Event Indian digital commerce is going to reach $128 billion by 2017. They have currently $42 billion in their market. India projects aims to offer a one-stop shop for government services will further help the sector by introducing internet and broadband to remote corners of the country and increase trade. This will be an investment of $17 billion that will help turn them into a connected economy. This will attract business in electronics that create millions of jobs.

14 Digital Law Digital Law is the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds.

15 Digital Law Key Terms Rule- A set of explicit or understood regulations or principle that has a conduct within a particular activity. Order- an authoritative command, direction, or instruction. Guideline- a general rule, principle, or piece of advice. Regulation- a rule or directive made and maintained by an authority. Decree- an official order issued by a legal authority.

16 Digital Law Current Event Democracy in France is entering a new phase, with the first public online consultation of a new digital law. The point of this is to promote open data, safeguard net neutrality and ensure internet access to all citizens. More than 20,000 citizens went online to vote on the text on the new digital law. The open consultation of the French law is a huge test the democratic process of France because this could affect their constitution and Parliament would have less say.

17 Digital Health and Wellness Digital Health and Wellness is the physical and psychological well-being in digital technology world.

18 Digital Health and Wellness Key Terms Status- the relative social, professional, or other standing of someone or something. Wellbeing- the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. Aspect- a particular part or feature of something. Satisfaction- giving or enjoying a state of comfort, content. Comfort- Good feeling or ease.

19 Digital Health and Wellness Current Event People are constantly trying to stay in shape and help their bodies stay healthy. One of of doing that is digital health devices. Now digital health devices with broadband are in 1 out of every 3 homes. Digital fitness and fitbit are the biggest health devices in the market. With fitbit alone they have more than 50% of the market share. These devices are helping people with their health and wellness.

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