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Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 1 Tien-Hao Chang (Darby Chang)

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Presentation on theme: "Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 1 Tien-Hao Chang (Darby Chang)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 1 Tien-Hao Chang (Darby Chang)

2 PPI Prediction Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 2



5 Any drawbacks Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 5 using conjoint triads?

6 Drawbacks of conjoint triads From biology –consider only “local” features (Guo et al. 2008) –involve non-interface features (Chang et al. 2010) From engineering –frequency bias (Yu et al. 2010) –infeasible time/space complexity (submitted) Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 6

7 Solving the drawbacks From biology –consider only “local” features engineering –involve non-interface features biology From engineering –frequency bias engineering –infeasible time/space complexity biology Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 7





12 Again Machine Learning & Bioinformatics 12 any drawbacks/ideas now?

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