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 People needed a portable computer-like device big enough to see  This device needed to have the capabilities of the iPod (email, games/apps, video)

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Presentation on theme: " People needed a portable computer-like device big enough to see  This device needed to have the capabilities of the iPod (email, games/apps, video)"— Presentation transcript:


2  People needed a portable computer-like device big enough to see  This device needed to have the capabilities of the iPod (email, games/apps, video) but with a larger screen to make it easier for more people to use

3  Created by Apple  Apple is headed up by Steve Jobs and he is one of the leading creators/inventors for the corporation  Since the company already launched the iPod and the iPhone successfully, this item was just the next step.

4  Originally it was going to be on the market prior to the iPhone but was put on hold  Focus audience was the general public  iPad was released in different generations so changes could be made to make it even better. 2 nd generation had these changes  Lighter  Thinner  Faster  Dual cameras

5  Production was kept under wraps and the iPad was not named right away but given a code name  As with most apple products, once the item was announced, public anticipation for them to go on sale was high  Item was given an on sale date and the public lined up.


7  “Rather than a typical S-curve adoption, we now see tablet adoption spiking upfront rather than gradually accelerating to a hyper growth point, with a very short period of takeover time (the time it takes for a technology to go from 10% to 90% of its ultimate market saturation).”S-curve adoption


9 Innovators  New teachers fresh out of college  Teachers with a technology background Strategies  Focusing on the Relative advantage-- How will this make your life better than using textbooks, pen and paper

10 WHOHOW TO ADDRESS IT  teachers who have been teaching for a while and are set in their ways  Teachers who are afraid of technology  Hands on training  Classroom visits where it is being used  A teacher buddy to help with the technology

11  Relative advantage  Compatibility  Complexity

12  I think a decentralized approach would be best because:  Peer pressure to have the newest gadget will take over  Having a top down command to use the iPad will make it seem less fun to users  General use is so widespread already  Consumers are already diving the need to change and improve the item

13  Key change agents need to be:  Lead Teachers and administrators using the iPad in the classroom daily  What the change agent needs to focus on  The change agents need to produce a plan showing how effective the iPad is in a few “test classrooms”  Also, show the cost benefits in both a monetary and time standpoint

14  At this point critical mass has been met for this item.

15  Champion for the innovation  The lead teacher in the organization which is usually the teacher that provides support to other teachers and uses the latest research to help support success in the classroom  Need for the innovation  Keeping students interest for learning  Creating better access to information  Reducing cost of classroom supplies

16  Remember, you are the expert on this innovation. While you are gathering your final thoughts and ideas for your presentation, make sure to include any additional information that is pertinent to persuading the Board of Directors to adopt your innovation. Consider your audience and the adopter categories to which they might belong. Use this knowledge to help you construct a concise, detailed, persuasive argument that would best fit those in your field of work.  As you create your final slide, make sure it is designed to leave a lasting impact on the Board of Directors. Be a champion by convincing them that your organization cannot accomplish its goals without using this innovation. Use this opportunity to drive your point home.

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