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Ch 7 Sec I. The American Revolution A. No clear pools, only estimates are available 1. 20-30% of colonists were loyalists 2. 40-45% of colonists were.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 7 Sec I. The American Revolution A. No clear pools, only estimates are available 1. 20-30% of colonists were loyalists 2. 40-45% of colonists were."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ch 7 Sec I. The American Revolution A. No clear pools, only estimates are available 1. 20-30% of colonists were loyalists 2. 40-45% of colonists were patriots 3. Rest were neutral


4 The American Revolution B. June 1775 Washington becomes the General of the Continental Army 1. He couldn’t get men to join 2. Few supplies 3. Females did help

5 The American Revolution a. Martha Washington followed her husband b. Women cooked, cleaned, did laundry, nursed the injured, some even fought. c. Molly Pitcher served water on the battlefield

6 The American Revolution 4. British were well organized 5. Americans needed to win

7 The American Revolution C. The British Plan 1. Control coastal cities a. British Navy could dock in ports b. Deliver British supplies c. Hired Hessian soldiers (professional German soldiers)

8 The American Revolution D. First several months: battles were in NY 1. Washington retreated through NJ 2. Then, went into PA….. Not looking good.

9 The American Revolution E. Thomas Paine writes “The American Crisis” to spur on soldiers

10 The American Revolution F. December 1776 Washington knew he had to win 1. He went to Trenton, NJ 2. Surprise attack on Hessians on x-mas night 3. Washington wins!!! 4. Washington won again a few days later at Princeton 5. Looking up for Americans!

11 . New British Strategy 1. Seize the Hudson River Valley to divide NE from the other states.

12 New British Strategy 2. Need 3 armies to meet in Albany, NY a) British General Burgoyne is to come in from Canada b) British General St.Leger is to come in from Lake Ontario, but fled because he thought he’d be outnumbered c) British General Howe is to come in from the Hudson River, NYC but never showed up. (he attacked Washington at Brandywine and won)

13 New British Strategy Fails 3. Saratoga a. Burgoyne’s army is weak and low on supplies. b. They head to Albany c. They stop near Saratoga, NY d. Several battles over several days e. Burgoyne finally surrenders

14 Saratoga 4. Important Battle a.Benedict Arnold leaves the US army & joins British a.Turning point, Europeans now realize US might win b.Europeans offer REAL help to US


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