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SMART Table Project Have you ever felt the urge to splash vivid colors across your kitchen table using paint and your hands? Did you get trouble with your.

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Presentation on theme: "SMART Table Project Have you ever felt the urge to splash vivid colors across your kitchen table using paint and your hands? Did you get trouble with your."— Presentation transcript:

1 SMART Table Project Have you ever felt the urge to splash vivid colors across your kitchen table using paint and your hands? Did you get trouble with your parents for experimenting this way?

2 What if you were a kindergartener and were encouraged to flow colors and games across your table with three other classmates. You’d be excited, right? Magically, you can use fingers, hands, elbow and other body parts to activate the table which makes it easy for students with special needs to participate in the group activities.” ~Pam Thompson

3 SMART Table Project Early Learning : With the focus on interventions at the Pre-K through third grade level to ensure early academic success. Achievement Gap : Reduce the achievement gap between students with disabilities and those without. A Proof of Concept to demonstrate improvements in:

4 What is a SMART Table? The SMART Table is an interactive collaboration tool that makes it easy to get students excited about learning. The multi-touch, multiuser surface lets several children work simultaneously, promoting collaboration.

5 What are we measuring?  Time on Task  Verbal and non-verbal communication with adults and peers  Turn taking  Muscle Use  One academic goal, specific to each student

6 COLLABORATION has been HUGE! Student to Student  Groups of two to eight student simultaneously touch and manipulate objects on the surface. Students with Teacher  Increase direct interaction between students and teachers as they work together on the SMART Table activities.

7 COLLABORATIVE COMMUNICATION SPEECH  Students with speech deficits will increase verbal communication while working with other students. MUSCLE EXTENSION  Students with orthopedic limitations will be encouraged to use and stretch muscles as they reach to manipulate objects on the SMART Table.

8 ENGAGING SPECIAL NEEDS STUDENTS Consistent and predictable responses, particularly useful for people who, like those with Autism Spectrum Disorder, often find their surroundings confusing and unpredictable.

9 UNIVERSAL DESIGN for LEARNING  With multi-touch functionality for up to eight children at one time and a design that supports UDL (universal design for learning) principles, the SMART Table is appropriate for all children, no matter their ability or learning style.  Teachers can customize the software to individualize the lessons for their classroom.

10 Data Criteria  Communicates verbally with another student  Communicates verbally with another adult  Communicates non-verbally with another student  Communicates non-verbally with another adult  Takes turns with another student  Muscle use – reaching, cross body  Time on Task  Academic Goal, individualized for each student

11 Final Data: District Averages

12 Final Data: Birney DHH SMART Table defective last month. No final data as a result.

13 Final Data: Reed Autism

14 Final Data:Skyline DD and Multi-0rtho

15 Final Data: Stanley DD and Inclusion Intermittent problems with SMART Table freezing.

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