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Parallel Parallel circuits Current in parallel circuits Voltage in parallel circuits.

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2 Parallel Parallel circuits Current in parallel circuits Voltage in parallel circuits

3 Parallel Circuits Oops!!! Bye! I’m going too! See you later, I’m going to work! Hello love! Hello my dear! Oh! It’s nice to be together again after a day of work! Let’s have some dinner!

4 Spot the closed circuits Follow the circuit with your finger and find out where the closed circuits are!!!

5 Not working Working Draw a closed line around the closed circuits and say if they are working

6 Current through parallel circuits Connect an ammeter in series with the light bulbs and measure the current. Report your reading in your worksheet. Now, move the ammeter in the circuit as shown and repeat the reading in each place. Record in your worksheet.

7 Current through parallel circuits What do you notice about the current in the circuit? The current in the parallel branches is 1/3 of the current before the parallel branches. Can think of a reason why this happens? (Hint: think about the current of electrons as cars along the motorway with junctions) They electrons take different paths at the junctions, because there are three possible ways. However, they spread evenly in each branch because the resistors are the same. What would happen to the current if one of the resistors had higher resistance than the others? Less current would flow through the higher resistance and an equal amount through the other two, because the electrons prefer the flow through the easiest path (with less resistance).

8 Current through parallel circuits Connect a voltmeter in parallel with the light bulbs and measure the voltage. Report your reading in your worksheet. Now, move the voltmeter in the circuit as shown and repeat the reading in each place. Record in your worksheet.

9 Current through parallel circuits What do you notice about the voltage across the resistors? It is the same across all resistors. Can you think of a reason why this happens? (Hint: think about water in a system of pipes that splits in different paths, but is run by the same pump) The output voltage of the battery (E.M.F.) is the same as the voltage across each resistor, because the E.M.F. = sum of potential drop across components in a series circuit. But each resistor makes an individual series circuit with the battery. What would happen to these values of voltage if one of the resistors had higher resistance than the others? The voltage across each resistor would stay the same.

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