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Background and Overview of the MEP Module 1 Level 2 The Identification and Recruitment Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Background and Overview of the MEP Module 1 Level 2 The Identification and Recruitment Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Background and Overview of the MEP Module 1 Level 2 The Identification and Recruitment Process

2 Materials Module 1 Level 2 Outline Handouts, as needed Pen or pencil Highlighters Post-its

3 Level 2: The Identification and Recruitment Process Goals The recruiter will understand the identification and recruitment process. The recruiter will know ways to address challenges that may arise in identifying and recruiting.

4 Objectives Participants will be able to: Define the terms “identification” and “recruitment”. Explain the importance of identifying and recruiting for the MEP. Level 2: The Identification and Recruitment Process

5 Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify the challenges associated with identifying and recruiting. Develop strategies for addressing the challenges of identification and recruitment for the MEP. Level 2: The Identification and Recruitment Process

6 Agenda: Level 2 Purpose of the MEP Identification and Recruitment – Importance – Challenges Level 2 Assessment

7 True or False Refer to your Outline. Read each statement with a partner. If you decide that the statement identifies one of the purposes of the MEP, place a “T” next to the statement. If you decide that the statement does not identify one of the purposes of the MEP, place an “F” next to the statement. Purpose of the MEP

8 Support high-quality and comprehensive educational programs for migrant children to help reduce the educational disruption and other problems that result from repeated moves. Ensure that migrant children who move among the states are not penalized in any manner by disparities among the states in curriculum, graduation requirements, state academic content and student academic achievement standards. Ensure that migrant children are provided with the appropriate educational services (including supportive services) that address their special needs in a coordinated and efficient manner. T Purpose of the MEP

9 Ensure that migrant children receive full and appropriate opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic content and student academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet. Design programs to help migrant children overcome educational disruption, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, various health-related problems, and other factors that inhibit the ability of such children to do well in school, and to prepare such children to make a successful transition to post-secondary education or employment. Ensure that migrant children benefit from state and local systemic reforms. T T Purpose of the MEP

10 Why is it so important to identify and recruit all eligible migrant children, families and youth? Children and youth cannot receive MEP services without a certificate of eligibility a recruiter has completed and the state has accepted. The longer it takes to find a migrant child and determine the child to be eligible, the longer it will take to provide the child with MEP services. Identification and Recruitment: Importance

11 Migrant children not identified may experience: – Delays in school placement or incorrect school assignments. – Failure to receive partial credits or an inappropriate course sequence for graduation from student’s home-based school. – Obstacles to receiving necessary supplemental services. Children previously found eligible for the MEP who may not currently be receiving services need to be re-identified when eligibility can be updated so future services can be planned. What if we don’t identify all migrant children?

12 Identification and Recruitment: Importance

13 Identification – Actively looking for and finding migrant children and youth Recruitment – Making contact with the family or youth and obtaining the necessary information to document the child’s eligibility and enroll the child in the MEP Identification and Recruitment

14 One of the challenges of ID&R is __________________________. One of the ways I overcome this challenge is by __________________________. Identification and Recruitment: Challenges

15 Activity: Go to your assigned chart paper. Record ONE way to overcome the challenge listed. Move to the next chart paper when prompted. Continue moving around the room until you have visited all challenges. Identification and Recruitment: Challenges

16 Debrief Return to original chart paper. Pick up key. Add any solutions not already listed. Visit each chart paper one more time and record any solutions your colleagues suggested that are not on your key. Identification and Recruitment: Challenges

17 Please complete the assessment independently. When all participants are done, discuss answers with a partner; revise answers if needed. We will review as a whole group and you will grade your own. Level 2 Assessment

18 In your Outline: Based on what we learned and shared today, record one thing you pledge to take back and use in your role as a recruiter. Identification and Recruitment

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