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MR260 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION II Week 2 Chapter 7 Pulmonary Medicine Instructor: Kathleen A. Bishop, MS, PHD.

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Presentation on theme: "MR260 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION II Week 2 Chapter 7 Pulmonary Medicine Instructor: Kathleen A. Bishop, MS, PHD."— Presentation transcript:

1 MR260 MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION II Week 2 Chapter 7 Pulmonary Medicine Instructor: Kathleen A. Bishop, MS, PHD

2 3 Breaths This is a stress relaxation exercise that can be done anywhere anytime, with your eyes open or closed! Step 1 –Get relaxed/comfortable in your chair Step 2 –Take a slow breath through your nose, exhale slowly out your mouth Step 3 –Do this two more times Step 4 –If that is not enough do it a few more times. Step 5 –Think about how you feel now in mind and body and how and when you can use this technique.

3 How do the lungs work? The Workings of the Lung

4 Anatomy Describe the process that occurs when we inhale and exhale. Tell us what jobs are performed by these words: –Alveoli –Pleura –Visceral layer –Parietal layer

5 Answer Key See page 184 for “Anatomy in Brief” section.

6 Terminology Choose two of the words on the list that you do NOT know and tell us what they mean and why it is important to know these specific words.

7 Answer Key See page 184 for the list of words and their meanings.

8 Diseases Name the diseases that are reviewed in the textbook along with one treatment associated with each disease.

9 Answer Key See pages 187-192 in the textbook for possible treatments. Acute Bronchitis Chronic Bronchitis Asthma (Reactive Airways Disease, RAD) Pneumonia (Pneumonitis) Influenza

10 Answer Key Cont. Pulmonary Tuberculosis Emphysema Pulmonary Embolism and Infarction Pleural Effusion Spontaneous Pneumothorax Bronchogenic Carcinoma

11 What does smoking do? Smoking and Lung Disease

12 Diagnostic & Surgical Procedures Create a list of the diagnostic and surgical procedures and chose one of them to define that you had NOT heard of before.

13 Answer Key See pages 192-193 for descriptions. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) Bronchoscopy Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Chest x-ray (CXR) FEV 1 (Forced expiratory volume in one second)

14 Answer Key Cont. Fi0 2 FVC (forced vital capacity) History & Physical Examination (H&P) IMV (intermittent mandatory ventilation) Imaging studies Mantoux test 0 2 Saturation

15 Answer Key Cont. pH Pleural or lung biopsy PPD test Pulmonary function tests (PFTs) Sputum examination Tine test Ventilation-perfusion (V-P) scan

16 Laboratory Procedures List the laboratory procedures associated with Pulmonary Medicine and chose one of them to define that you had NOT heard of before.

17 Answer Key See page 193 for words and definitions. ABGs Acid-fast stain Agglutinins, cold Agglutinins, febrile Arterial blood gasses (ABGs) Blood gases Electrolytes, sweat

18 Pharmacology List the types of medications associated with this specialty and chose one of them to list the medications that you will hear when transcribing the reports. List both the pharmaceutical name and the trade name, if there is one.

19 Answer Key See pages 193-195. Bronchodilators Leukotriene receptor antagonists Corticosteroids Mast cell inhibitors Antituberculosis drugs Drugs used to treat AIDS patients Surfactants

20 Transcription Tips Chose one tip that you think will help you the most when transcribing these reports. Tell us why and how it will help.

21 Reports List the types of reports (as shown in the Sample Reports section of the chapter) that you may be transcribing if you work in this specialty. Will reviewing these reports before you begin transcribing help you? If so, how? If not, why not?

22 Answer Key Pages 201-205 Pulmonary Medicine Consultation Chart Note Emergency Department Report Operative Report

23 Your Favorite Blooper! Share your favorite Blooper from the list with the class! If you have a Pulmonary Blooper of your own share that instead!

24 Book of Style For Medical Transcription Chapter 23 (pgs. 441-449) Pulmonary/Respiratory

25 Primary Symbols used List the primary symbols used in pulmonary and respiratory terminology. What is the warning you are given about the use of abbreviations in rule 23.1.1?

26 Answer Key C concentration F fractional concentration in dry gas P or p pressure or partial pressure Q volume of blood V volume of gas D diffusing (diffusion capacity

27 Answer Key Cont. R resistance or gas exchange ratio S Saturation sG specific conductance

28 Answer Key Cont. It is important to note that the same letter may stand for one entity in respiratory mechanics and for another entity in gas exchange (e.g. P stands for pressure in respiratory mechanics but stands for partial pressure in gas exchange).

29 Classification Systems What is the Mallampati- Samsoon What is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale? How are the numbers transcribed and what do they each stand for?

30 Answer Key Mallampati-Samsoon is the classification system used by anesthesiologists and emergency medical personnel to assess the airway for ease or difficulty of intubation.

31 Answer Key Cont. class I –Uvula, faucial pillars, and soft palate can be visualized class II –Only faucial pillars and soft palate can be visualized class III –Only the soft palate can be visualized class IV –Only the hard palate can be visualized

32 Answer Key Cont. Epworth Sleepiness Scale classification system uses a questionnaire to measure daytime sleepiness on a scale of 1 to 24 for the purposes of assessing potential sleep disorders, especially those related to apnea.

33 Answer Key Cont. The patient uses the following scale to choose the most appropriate number for each situation. 0= would never doze or sleep 1=slight chance of dozing or sleeping 2=moderate chance of dozing or sleeping 3=high chance of dozing or sleeping

34 Thanks for being here! Good night everyone! Have a great evening and I look forward to seeing you again next week, same time—same place!

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