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What are the different parts of the respiratory system and what are their functions?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the different parts of the respiratory system and what are their functions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the different parts of the respiratory system and what are their functions?

2 Exit Ticket We need to breathe air to stay alive. Wow, the respiratory system sure has an important job! What are some factors that influence how well the respiratory system works? Discuss which influences are harmful and which are helpful. What can you do to keep your respiratory system healthy?

3 The respiratory system moves oxygen from the outside environment into the body and removes carbon dioxide from the body. Oxygen is needed for the energy releasing chemical reactions that take place in cells. Like fire needs oxygen to burn, your cells cannot ‘burn’ enough fuel to keep you alive without oxygen.

4 1. Nasal Passage: warms air, has a mucus lining and cilia (hairs) to filter out particles. 2. Mouth: plan ‘B’ for breathing

5 3. Pharynx: leads from nasal passage and mouth to the larynx. 4. Larynx: next passageway for air. The voice box is located here.

6 5. Voice box: contains vocal cords which are thin bands of tissue that vibrate when exhaled air rushes past them; enables you to make sounds.

7 6. Trachea: about 4.5 inches long; surrounded by rings of cartilage to keep it open so air can travel through it freely. Lined with cilia.

8 7. bronchus: tubes that branch from trachea; one to each lung and are lined with cilia.

9 8. bronchiole: each bronchi divides and subdivides like branches of a tree. Air is now moistened, filtered, and body temperature.

10 Respiratory System Movie

11 9. Alveoli: tiny air sacs where gas exchange takes place between the respiratory system and the circulatory system. (Remember? Oxygen low blood from the heart goes to the lungs to drop off CO2 and pick up oxygen…..leaves the lungs as oxygen high blood.)


13 10. Diaphragm: large sheet-like muscle that contracts when you breath in to expand lungs and relaxes when you breath out compressing the lungs to force carbon dioxide and other waste products out.

14 Respiratory System Movie

15 Measuring your Lung Capacity Can you think of a way that we could measure the amount of air our lungs can hold?

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