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Keyword Boggle ACST MPRE IKHU NBXN. UNIT TITLE:Unit 1: Business Purposes LESSON TITLE:Business Ownership CRITERIA: P2/M1 COMPETENCY FOCUS: ICT Skills.

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Presentation on theme: "Keyword Boggle ACST MPRE IKHU NBXN. UNIT TITLE:Unit 1: Business Purposes LESSON TITLE:Business Ownership CRITERIA: P2/M1 COMPETENCY FOCUS: ICT Skills."— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyword Boggle ACST MPRE IKHU NBXN

2 UNIT TITLE:Unit 1: Business Purposes LESSON TITLE:Business Ownership CRITERIA: P2/M1 COMPETENCY FOCUS: ICT Skills (L6): You will develop your skills in using ICT applications during the production of your coursework. Learning Objectives By the end of the lesson, you should be able to… LO1)Define the term ‘ownership’ (Gui) LO2) Describe the different types of business ownership including their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages (Gui-Reg) (P2) LO3) Developing your ICT skills, compare and contrast the ownership and purpose of two different businesses (Reg-Str) (M1). SMSC: We will explore how different types of business ownership might affect the organisational culture of a business (Cultural).

3 Starter Say what type of business is shown in each picture = 5mins

4 P2 COURSEWORK TASK Include the following notes in your P2 Coursework portfolio!

5 Legal Structure of Businesses Type of Business FeaturesAdvantagesDisadvantages SoletraderOwned by 1 person but may have several employees. PartnershipOwned and run by 2- 20 people. Franchise Social EnterpriseUses any profit made to fulfil their social objective. Private-limited Company (Ltd) Public-limited Company (PLC)

6 Different Industry Sectors Private = Owned by 1 or more private individuals who keep all the profits made by the business. Public = Run and controlled by the Government. Voluntary= Charity

7 Size of a Business This can be measured on: The No of Employees The Sales Turnover The Scale of Operations (local, national, global) Small1-99 Medium200-249 Large250+ Small£1million-£5million Medium£20million Large

8 P2 Coursework Task OrganisationOwnership (i.e. soletrader) Size (i.e. small/medium/large) *include in this the number of branches and employees Scale (i.e. local/regional/national/international)

9 Plenary Case Study: A Bumpy Ride!

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