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Create a Virtual Museum of African American artifacts. Pick one or two topics that relate and try to tell a story about the history through artifacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Create a Virtual Museum of African American artifacts. Pick one or two topics that relate and try to tell a story about the history through artifacts."— Presentation transcript:


2 Create a Virtual Museum of African American artifacts. Pick one or two topics that relate and try to tell a story about the history through artifacts. Websites such as Picasa, Flickr, or Panoramio can be used in addition to google slides. This headgear, was once worn by Muhammad Ali in the 1960s. Rosa Parks proudly rode at the front of a Montgomery, Alabama bus on the day the Supreme Court's ban on segregation of the city's buses took effect. A year earlier (1954), she had been arrested for refusing to give up her seat. This is the actual bus in which Parks continued to fight for her civil liberties.

3 Pick a famous African American and interview them. Create both questions and answers that tell a story about their impact on history. Create a stamp commemorating Black History Month on the famous African American you interviewed.

4 Listen to Jazz music. After listening to jazz music, research famous African American musicians and present on either the individual or their music.

5 View View the video on King’s, “I have a Dream Speech.” Read Read the article on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Create a presentation on your findings. View the “bet you didn’t know video.”bet you didn’t know video Read the Rosa Parks articlearticle Complete the bus diagram of the events on December 1, 1955 Create a presentation on what you learned.

6 Underground Railroad Experience Record your experiences as you travel the Underground Railroad. Present your journey to the class.

7 African American Fashion African American foods Negro Leagues African American Athletes Jim Crow laws African American inventors of technologyinventors *A student designed website on any of the following will also be accepted. Please use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, or Glogster. See me for help!!


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