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Early Latin America Chapter 19 Summary. Spaniards and Portuguese: Reconquest to Conquest Reconquista: 770 years of fighting between Christians and Muslims.

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1 Early Latin America Chapter 19 Summary

2 Spaniards and Portuguese: Reconquest to Conquest Reconquista: 770 years of fighting between Christians and Muslims over the Iberian Peninsula 1492- Granada, last Islamic stronghold, falls Spain, formed by the unification of Aragon and Castile territories, is militantly Christian – Persecution of Muslims and Jews

3 Spaniards and Portuguese: Reconquest to Conquest Spain and Portugal emerge as powerful – expand territory in Europe and Americas – Centralized colonial government – Culture spreads to newly colonized regions Patriarchy, Slavery, Christianity 1492-1570: 1 st phase of conquest – Encomeindas: grants of Indian workers given to settlers 1570- 1700: 2 nd phase, huge administrations and institutions established to govern colonies

4 Spaniards and Portuguese: Reconquest to Conquest Spanish colonization of the Carribbean – Hispanola (1493) – Puerto Rico (1508) – Cuba (1511) Urban Colonial governments (governors) established Ranching and Sugar plantations become major industries devastating native populations and environments

5 Spaniards and Portuguese: Reconquest to Conquest Conquest undertaked by individuals under royal authority (driving force is $$$$) – Hernan Cortez: Conquers Tenochitlan, kills Montezuma II, New Spain takes the place of the Aztec Confederacy – Francisco Pizzaro: Conquers the Incas in 1533 – Pedro de Valdivia: founds Santiago, Chile 1541 – Francisco Vasquez de Coranado: leads expeditions into what is now SW United States

6 Destruction an Transformation of American Indian Societies Drastic Population decline- disease, slavery – Enslavement of natives ends by 1550, forced labor continued in encomiendas through 1600s, forced mining labor in Peru Continuity of Indigenous cultures – Merging of cultures between Spanish Catholicism and native religions – Ethnically diverse populations emerge as colonial powers mix with native peoples

7 Colonial Economies and Governments Mining was the most important colonial enterprise in first decades of conquest – Mexico and Peru: silver – Spain dominates the mining industry- all trade passed through Seville with the consulado (merchant guild) – Spanish galleons become major currency through ports like Havana Spanish Haciendas (rural estates) begin planting sugar and other cash crops

8 Colonial Economies and Governments Treaty of Tordesillas (1494): Spain and Portugal divide their conquests Council of the Indies- governed the colonies from Spain through two viceroys – Further divided into 10 judiciaries Churches responsible from the conversion, education, sometimes protection of natives – Church is responsible for dissemination of culture

9 Multiracial Societies Latin American society became complex and multi-ethnic Sociedad de castas- Society of Castes – Used race, occupation, and place of birth to determine person’s place in society – Legal restrictions applied to each caste Peninsulares: Spanish-born Creoles: Spanish, born in Colonies Mestizos: Mixed Race Indios: Natives


11 18 th Century Reforms Enlightenment influences Europeans to call for an end to colonial policies and slavery – Amigos del pais- Spanish group calling for reform Spanish empire threatened by pirates, competition from other European nations, and eventually rebellion movements – War of Spanish Succession (1713): opens Spanish market to France and England

12 18 th Century Reforms Spain responds by tightening control and increasing military presence--- upsets Creoles Other European nations follow suit and by the 1800’s it seems Latin America is ready for revolt (to be continued…)

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