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 l identify and use the correct operations when converting units including millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, milligrams, grams, kilograms,

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Presentation on theme: " l identify and use the correct operations when converting units including millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, milligrams, grams, kilograms,"— Presentation transcript:

1  l identify and use the correct operations when converting units including millimetres, centimetres, metres, kilometres, milligrams, grams, kilograms, tonnes, millilitres, litres, kilolitres and megalitres GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH AND AREA

2 APK  How could you measure the length of a basketball court without a formal measuring device?  Turn and Talk

3 NEW INFORMATION Brainstorm with the students all of the units of formal measurement.

4 NEW INFORMATION Brainstorm with the students all of the units of formal measurement. Whole class creates a chart that demonstrates these. On this chart also put information such as how many grams in a kilogram etc. Place this into Interactive notebooks.

5 NEW INFORMATION Place this illustration on into Interactive notebooks.

6 In Interactive Notebook: Year 5s: Frameworks 5 (pg 249) – Activity 1 Year 6s: Frameworks 6 (pg 281) – Activity 1 In Grid book: Year 5s: Frameworks 5 (pg 250) – Activity 2 Year 6s: Frameworks 6 (pg 283) – Activity 2 APPLICATION (PRACTICE)

7  Rocket writing – Today I found out.. I really liked.. because.. I’m still not too sure about.. I could teach someone else to.. GOAL AUSVELS LEVELS 5&6: MEASUREMENT- LENGTH AND AREA

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