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30 ways to get 30s SCFI 2011 How to get better speaks or die trying.

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Presentation on theme: "30 ways to get 30s SCFI 2011 How to get better speaks or die trying."— Presentation transcript:

1 30 ways to get 30s SCFI 2011 How to get better speaks or die trying

2 Why do we care? Higher Seeding Easier out rounds Increases your chances of winning People will like you more Shiny trophies Overall better debating

3 It’s all about perception Look like you care Show up on time Come prepared Be “not mean” Have a positive winning attitude

4 Flowing

5 Go Fish for Speaker Points There was a fisherman named Fisher who fished for some fish in a fissure. Till a fish with a grin, pulled the fisherman in. Now they're fishing the fissure for Fisher.

6 Before the Tournament Speaking drills Read your evidence Write your overviews

7 When Speaking Stand Up Face the Judge, look up at the judge Be Clean, Clear, Collected Signpost Make sure your judge can see you and vice versa Let your funny side out, if you are mean keep that side hidden

8 Cross X Minimize tag team Be strong but not overbearing

9 Judge- Pet Peeves Don’t Steal Prep No talking during speeches Avoid unnecessary movement while others are speaking Making bad arguments to take time Ex: Ts that the aff clearly meets

10 A Race to Elimination Rounds One-one was a race horse. Two-two was one too. One-one won one race. Two-two won one too.

11 Explanation 2AC/Neg Block- Give the judge a preview to the impact calc in the last rebuttals Don’t get totally caught up in the line by line

12 Make us want to listen Near an ear, a nearer ear, a nearly eerie ear.

13 Adapt to your Environment When you ask your judges questions before the round they expect you to listen Know the expectations

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