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Published byLucas Flowers Modified over 9 years ago
1 Air quality reporting in Europe Introduction Legal framework of AQ reporting Guiding documents Reporting to the Commission Information/reporting to the Commission Report s on levels in zones and agglomerations Reporting of summer exceedances of ozone thresholds Jaroslav Fiala, EEA Information of the public Legal basis Up-to-date AQ information to the public Exchange of information Data quality objectives QA/QC of AQ assessment Responsibility of partners involved The issue of quality of European AQ data and information
2 Introduction Monitoring, reporting and exchange of air quality data is required and driven by EU legislation (air quality directives) CLRTAP (protocols – EMEP) WHO (AQ guidelines, recommendations) WMO OSPAR Convention, HELCOM
3 Legal framework of AQ reporting in EU Air quality framework directive 96/62/EC Daughter directives to 96/62/EC 1 st DD (1999/30/EC) SO2, NO2, NOx, PM10, lead 2 nd DD (2000/69/EC) benzene, CO 3 rd DD (2002/3/EC) ozone 4 th DD (2004/107/EC) Cd, As, Hg, Ni and PAHs Decision 2004/461/EC laying down a questionnaire to be used for annual reporting on ambient air quality assessment in zones and agglomerations Exchange of Information, Decision 97/101/EC establishing a reciprocal exchange of (AQ) information and data from networks within the member states
4 Guiding documents Guidance on the annexes to Decision 97/101/EC on exchange of information as revised by Decision 2001/752/EC (April 2002) Commission Decision 2004/279/EC concerning guidance for implementation of Directive 2002/3/EC relating on ozone in ambient air Guidance on AQ assessment in zones and agglomerations
5 Reporting to the Commission FWD Articles 4, 10, 11 ArticleObligationTime Scale 11 (1)Notification to the Commission the competent authorities, laboratories and bodies (Art. 3) responsible for :> DD1: Within 18 months after entry in force (1999/30/EC, Art. 7 (6)) DD2: no later than 13 Dec. 2002 (2000/69/EC Art. 5 (6), Art. 10) DD3: no later than 9. Sept. 2003 (2002/3/EC, Art. 10 (5)) 11 (1) d Transmission of the methods used for the preliminary assessment of air quality (Art. 5) implementation, assessment, assuring accuracy of mesurements analysis of assessment coordination of wide QA programmes
6 ArticleIssueObligationTime Scale 11 (1) blist of zones and agglomerations (Art. 8 (1) and (2), Art. 9) transmissionannually, within 9 months after the end of a year 11 (1) a) i), (1) a) ii) exceedance of the sum of limit value + margin of tolerance (if fixed) information on occurrence of exceedance, dates / periods, observed levels, reason for each exceedance annually, within 9 months after end of a year Information/reporting to the Commission FWD, Articles 4, 10, 11, 1 st -3 rd DDs, Decision 2004/461/EC
7 Report s on levels in zones and agglomerations FWD, Articles 4, 10, 11, 1 st -3 rd DDs, Decision 2004/461/EC ArticleIssueObligationTime Scale 11 (1) blist of zones and agglomerations (Art. 8 (1) and (2), Art. 9) transmissionannually, within 9 months after the end of a year 11 (1)a) i), (1) a) ii) exceedance of the limit value + margin of tolerance information on occurrence of exceedance, dates / periods, observed levels, reason for each exceedance annually, within 9 months after end of a year Where no margin of tolerance has been fixed for a specific pollutant, (…) the limit value shall be treated in the same way
8 ArticleTopicDutyTime Scale 11 (1) a) iii) plans or programmes (Art. 8 (3)) transmissionwithin 2 years after the end of the year during which the levels were observed 11 (1) a) iv) progress of plans/programmes informationevery 3 years after transmission of the plan / programme 11 (1) c)report on observed / assessed levels in the zones and agglomerations transmission within 9 months after end of each 3-yr-period Must be prepared or implemented in zones where levels are higher than the limit value (+MOT) Report s on levels in zones and agglomerations FWD, Articles 4, 10, 11, 1 st -3 rd DDs, Decision 2004/461/EC
9 ArticleTopicDutyTime Scale 11 (1) a) iii) plans or programmes (Art. 8 (3)) transmissionwithin 2 years after the end of the year during which the levels were observed 11 (1) a) iv) progress of plans/programmes informationevery 3 years after transmission of the plan / programme 11 (1) c)report on observed / assessed levels in the zones and agglomerations transmission within 9 months after end of each 3-yr-period Report s on levels in zones and agglomerations FWD, Articles 4, 10, 11, 1 st -3 rd DDs, Decision 2004/461/EC
10 Report s on levels in zones and agglomerations additional obligations for PM2.5 CompoundRequired DataTime Scale PM 2.5Median, 98 percentile and maximum concentration calculated from 24-hour measurements (1999/30/EC, Art. 5 (2)) Annually, within 9 months after end of a year
11 Reporting of summer exceedances of ozone thresholds (2002/3/EC, Article 10 Para 2 ) CompoundRequired DataTime Scale ozoneFor each month from April to Sept. (on a provisional basis) for each day with exceedance of the information or the alert threshold, date, total hours of exceedance, max. 1 h ozone value(s) Until end of the following month
12 Reporting of summer exceedances of ozone thresholds (2002/3/EC, Article 10 Para 2) CompoundRequired DataTime Scale ozoneFor each month from April to Sept. each year (on a provisional basis) -for each day with exceedance of the information or the alert threshold, date, total hours of exceedance, max. 1 h ozone value(s) Until end of the following month Any other information specified in Annex III of 2002/3/EC Until 31 October each year
13 Reporting of summer exceedances of ozone thresholds (2002/3/EC, Article 10 Para 2) CompoundRequired DataTime Scale ozoneFor each month from April to Sept. each year (on a provisional basis) -for each day with exceedance of the information or the alert threshold, date, total hours of exceedance, max. 1 h ozone value(s) Until end of the following month Any other information specified in Annex III of 2002/3/EC Until 31 October each year For each calendar year -the validated information specified in Annex III of 2002/3/EC -Annual average concentrations of the ozone precurser substances specified in Annex VI of 2002/3/EC Annually, until 9 months after end of a year
14 Information to the public legal basis As one of the main objectives, FWD requires that adequate information on air quality is made available to the public Daughter directives further specify minimum requirements Directive 2003/4/EC on public access to environmental information Article 1 Objectives The objectives of this Directive are: (a) to guarantee the right of access to environmental information (b) to ensure that environmental information is progressively made available and disseminated to the public in order to achieve the widest possible systematic availability and dissemination to the public of environmental information.
15 Up-to-date AQ information to the public An effective protection against harmful effects on human health requires inter alia that up-to-date information on air pollutant levels should be made routinely available to the public In case of an exceedance of threshold levels an air pollution forecast should be issued
16 Up-to-date AQ information to the public EU: 1999/30/EC Art. 8 (1), 2000/69/EC Art. 7 (1), 2002/3/EC Art. 6 (1) Up-to-date information on ambient concentrations of SO 2, NO 2, NO x, PM, Pb, benzene and O 3 shall be routinely made available to the public and appropriate organisations via e.g. broadcast media, press information screens, computer network services, teletext, telephone or fax. The information shall be clear, comprehensive and accessible.
17 Up-to-date AQ information to the public EU: 1999/30/EC Art. 8 (1), 2000/69/EC Art. 7 (1), 2002/3/EC Art. 6 (1) SubstanceAveraging Period of limit value, inform. threshold, alert threshold minimum update frequency optimum update frequency SO 2 hour, daydailyhourly NO 2 hourdailyhourly PM 1024 hoursdaily leadyear3monthly benzeneyear3monthly Average for the last 12 months monthly Average for the last 12 months CO8 hoursdaily hourly O3O3 hour, 8 hoursdaily hourly
18 Up-to date air quality information to the European public Several Member states have been providing up-to- date information on air pollution to their public as required by the current air quality legislation From the European point of view this information is limited by country borders and it is not harmonised European wide presentation of real-time, up- to date information (at least on ozone and particulate matter) - is needed because of transboundary issue of this air pollution
19 Up-to date air quality data exchange Real time, up-to date air quality data exchange and presentation should be thought as a support of the Aarhus Convention as well as in line of the Shared Information System concept Country participation in this process is fully voluntary but on the other hand we are convinced of the usefulness of this activity for the European public
20 Exchange of information Annual AQ data collection from monitoring networks and exchange of information among countries and the Commission is based on EoI 2001/752/EC (Commission Decision amending 97/101/EC) Guidance on the annexes to Decision 97/101/EC on exchange of information as revised by Decision 2001/752/EC (April 2002) EoI does not specify quality objectives but refers to data quality objectives and station selection criteria as specified by DDs
21 Data quality objectives DDs (99/30/EC, 2000/69/EC, 2002/3/EC and 2004/107EC) define: Minimum number of stations in zones/agglomerations (99/30/EC, Annex VII; 2000/69/EC Annex V; 2002/3/EC Annex V) Site selection criteria for monitoring stations, both at micro- and macro-scale (99/30/EC, Annex VI; 2000/69/EC Annex IV; 2002/3/EC Annex IV) Data quality objectives (99/30/EC, Annex VIII; 2000/69/EC Annex VI; 2002/3/EC Annex VII) General requirements for AQ assessment procedures (reference methods …) ( 99/30/EC, Annex IX; 2000/69/EC Annex VII; 2002/3/EC Annex III)
22 QA/QC of AQ assessment outputs – information and reports AQ data (data sets) are used for AQ assessment: status of air quality in comparison with political targets trends/tendencies of pollutant concentrations spatial distribution of pollutant concentrations estimates of population and ecosystem exposure to air pollution Monitoring-> data collection->collection of data sets -> evaluation, processing -> assessment -> reporting In all steps appropriate QA/QC procedures (validation, revision, …) should be applied
23 Air Quality Assessment QA/QC validation chain National AQIS Y National metadata and AQ data collection and revision … Network A X QA/QC (SOP, accreditation of calibration labs, authorization of measurements, inter- comparisons etc.) Data verification and validation Network B X QA/QC (SOP, accreditation, authorization …) Data verification and validation National AQIS X National metadata and AQ data collection and revision (outliers check, cross-checking, revision of data and metadata completeness) Networks/stations auditing Collecting of info on networks Verification and validation of national data by processing Validated data from monitoring networks Validated national data DEM X Metadata and AQ data collection (outliers check, revision of data and metadata completeness) DEM Y Metadata and AQ data collection (outliers check, revision of data and metadata completeness) AIRBASE European metadata and AQ data collection (outliers check, /revision of data and metadata completeness/) Verification of European data by data processing Validated national data inter- comparisons Network AY QA/QC of monitoring, Data verification and validation Validated data from monitoring networks inter- comparisons Q A/QC of monitoring QA/QC of National data sets, assessment QA/QC of European data sets
24 Responsibility of partners involved Member States : for a timely delivery of the requested information in one of the agreed data formats for the QA/QC of raw data and meta information AQ data and metadata completeness EEA and ETC/ACC : specification of the technical procedure for the transfer of data loading the transmitted data in a data base and making the updated results available to the Member States AQ data and metadata revision review delivered data and contact the data supplier in case of missing or questionable data. making the information accessible to the public/users
25 Problems of quality of European AQ data and information Not sufficient spatial coverage in some areas-countries (eastern and southern Europe...) Not sufficient spatial coverage for some components (benzene, PM2.5, heavy metals, PAHs) Not sufficiently long and homogeneous data series. For trend and tendency evaluations the AQ data in Airbase is substantial only from 1997 so as far as possible historical data series need to be further completed in compliance with EoI requirements (and corrected if needed) Comparability of PM10 (and PM2.5) data questionable. PM10 (and PM2.5) measured throughout Europe by automated method has to by assured and procedures for demonstration of equivalence with reference method should to be implemented and reported. Results of demonstration of equivalence need to be made available for PM data assessments Limited info on representativeness of AQ monitoring stations Metaifno on type of station, type of area etc. missing for numerous stations Info on data validation procedures, info on accreditation/authorisation Metaifno on methods of measurements (uncertainties, detection limits, CF) => AQ networks auditing (with respect to the DDs monitoring requirements, Euroairnet criteria ?)
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