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Intro To Languages Quiz Review. How to Play Form two teams Send a team member up to the front to answer the question Players: take a flyswatter, listen.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro To Languages Quiz Review. How to Play Form two teams Send a team member up to the front to answer the question Players: take a flyswatter, listen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro To Languages Quiz Review

2 How to Play Form two teams Send a team member up to the front to answer the question Players: take a flyswatter, listen to the question and slap the flyswatter on the stool when you know the answer Return to your seat and repeat with the next player.

3 Question 1 What is the exchange or transfer of meaning. It is a tool of communication?

4 Answer 1 Language

5 Question 2 A person who studies languages is called a …

6 Answer 2 Linguist

7 Question 3 Name a non-linguistic form of communication.

8 Answer 3 Symbol or Gesture

9 Question 4 This is an example of a…

10 Answer 4 Symbol

11 Question 5 This is an example of a…

12 Answer 5 Gesture

13 Question 6 A symbol or drawing that represents a specific object such as a fish or a chair is a…

14 Answer 6 Pictograph

15 Question 7 A symbol for “non-picturable” things is an…

16 Answer 7 Ideograph

17 Question 8 Most European languages belong to the ______________________ language family.

18 Answer 8 Indo-European

19 Question 9 The people who spoke Indo-European languages lived in __________, and also in parts of _____________.

20 Answer 9 Europe and Asia

21 Question 10 Name a language that belongs on one of the branches of the Indo-European family tree.

22 Answer 10 Germanic, Celtic, Romance, Balto-Slavic or Indo-Iranian

23 Question 11 Name a Germanic Language.

24 Answer 11 German, English or Dutch

25 Question 12 Name a Celtic Language.

26 Answer 12 Irish, Welsh, Scots, Breton

27 Question 13 Name a Romantic language.

28 Answer 13 Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian

29 Question 14 Name a Balto-Slavic Language.

30 Answer 14 Slovak, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech

31 Question 15 Name an Indo-Iranian language.

32 Answer 15 Urdu, Hindi, Bengali, Farsi

33 Question 16 Romance languages developed from this root language…

34 Answer 17 Latin

35 Question 18 Why are they are called “Romance” languages?

36 Answer 18 They were first spoken by the Romans.

37 Question 19 Which language is it? (Spanish, French, Italian, German or Latin) manus

38 Answer 19 Latin

39 Question 20 Which language is it? (Spanish, French, Italian, German or Latin) alfabeto

40 Answer 20 Spanish

41 Question 21 Which language is it? (Spanish, French, Italian, German or Latin) Buch

42 Answer 21 German

43 Question 22 Which language is it? (Spanish, French, Italian, German or Latin) pain

44 Answer 22 French

45 Question 23 Which language is it? (Spanish, French, Italian, German or Latin) classe

46 Answer 23 Italian

47 Question 24 Words in different languages which have come from the same origin are called…

48 Answer 24 Cognates

49 Question 25 Name an example of a cognate.

50 Answer 25 memoirepeupleneveu montagneStrangerOhrJahrSonntag NachtWasser octo voxvita temporaalienusfamilia alumno soldadoseducaci6n numero bicicletta lungo ombra troika amber

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