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Goal for the Day 1.Review the major parts of plants and their functions. 2.Discuss factors involved in the early growth of a plant.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal for the Day 1.Review the major parts of plants and their functions. 2.Discuss factors involved in the early growth of a plant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal for the Day 1.Review the major parts of plants and their functions. 2.Discuss factors involved in the early growth of a plant.

2 Question of the Day 1.What are the major parts of a plant? 2.What groups of plants have them?

3 Vascular Plants and Nonvascular Plants Vascular Plants have tubes to carry water & nutrients up to the top of the plants example: Nonvascular Plants grow low to the ground absorb moisture & nutrients through osmosis & diffusion (like a sponge) example: Why are vascular plants able to grow larger than nonvascular plants?

4 Roots Functions… Absorbing water Anchor the plant Store Food (vegetables: potatoes, carrots, etc)

5 Roots Types… Taproot – example: carrot Fibrous root

6 Leaves Functions… Photosynthesis – using light to make food Stomata - Holes in the underside of leaves, which regulate the water loss in transpiration

7 Stems Functions… Some photosynthesis Support Transport of nutrients through the two Vascular Tissues 1. Phloem – carries food from the leaves to the roots (moves down) 2. Xylem – carries water from the roots to the leaves (moves up)

8 Flowers Functions… Reproduction Pollen (Plant Sperm) - An adaptation that allows plants to reproduce sexually while remaining stationary Pollen Style (female part) Ovary – develops into fruit Collects pollen Stamen (male part)- produces pollen

9 What are the male & Female Flower Parts?

10 What structure produces the seed? What structure produces the Fruit?

11 Seed Dispersal Prickly hooks – carried by organisms on their fur Wings (helicopter seeds) – carried by the wind Fleshy Fruit– carried by the organism that ate the fruit, eventually the seed is dropped onto the ground along with some great natural fertilizer

12 AbsorptionPhotosynthesisTransport Seed Production/Dispersal Attract Insects Produces pollen Collects pollen Develops into the fruit 78 9



15 What is germination? The early growth stage of a plant, when the seed ends its period of dormancy. What environmental factors cause a seed to end dormancy and begin germination? 1.Water/Moisture 2.Temperature

16 What are two evolutionary advantages of seeds? 1.Ability to remain dormant until environmental conditions are right. 2.Seed provides energy for the baby plant to be able to start growth.

17 Goal for the Day 1.Review the major parts of plants and their functions. 2.Investigate the number of stomata per leaf

18 Question of the Day 1.What are the functions of the roots, leaves, and stems? 2.What groups of plants have them?

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