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” “Iron curtain” Geographic and political divisions between Communist and non- Communist nations in Europe. The Iron Curtain.

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2 ” “Iron curtain” Geographic and political divisions between Communist and non- Communist nations in Europe. The Iron Curtain

3  Provides support to other nations in the form of $$$ to prevent the:  “Domino Effect”  Containment policy

4  The Truman Doctrine was first applied after “satellite nations” agree to follow guidance from the U.S.S.R. - Czechoslovakia - Poland - Hungary - China - Cuba - North Korea

5  Throughout the 1950s, the USA and USSR compete in an arms race Struggle to gain weapons superiority (who can build the most weapons the fastest?)  Deterrence Build a military arsenal so strong that no enemy will attack for fear of retaliation  Results in increasing amounts of nuclear weapons

6 October 14–28, 1962 U.S. attempts and fails to overthrow the communist Cuban government at the Bay of Pigs Soviets and Cubans built bases to launch nuclear weapons at the U.S. 13 days of tense debate whether to attack Video

7 USSR agrees to remove missiles from Cuba if we agree to never invade Cuba again Closest moment to turning to nuclear conflict Moscow–Washington Hotline: it is clear a direct line of communication is needed (RED PHONES)  Cuba blockaded after missiles removed

8  Russians detonate their first atomic bomb in 1949  Civil Defense Program: Greenbrier BunkerGreenbrier Bunker “How to Survive an Atomic Bomb” Bomb shelters “Duck and Cover”



11 Cold War Science Fiction Film Ambivalence and Anxiety over the Bomb

12 1950s Invasion Films

13 Politics, Cold War, and Science Fiction Space Exploration

14  To carry bombs to their targets, the USSR developed long-range rockets known as ICBMs Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles.  In 1957, one of these rockets was used to launch the Soviet satellite Sputnik 1 st artificial satellite to orbit Earth.

15  Prompted a desire to match, and surpass, Soviet technology. NASA - Created in 1958 National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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