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A presentation by Class 4MW Spring term saw our class immersed in the everything linked to The Roman Empire. We learnt a lot about the Empire and it’s.

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2 A presentation by Class 4MW

3 Spring term saw our class immersed in the everything linked to The Roman Empire. We learnt a lot about the Empire and it’s attempts to conquer Britain, read stories about the devastating eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii and created our own Roman-inspired mosaic paintings. We even had a visit from a Roman and an archaeologist! Alongside all of this we also created this PowerPoint presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. The class worked in pairs, choosing a focus they were interested in and conducted research to find facts and images. We worked hard on our skills to import and manipulate images, create text with varying shapes, styles and affects as well as working together to choose an appropriate background. Everyone is very proud of what the presentation slides they created and I’m sure you’ll enjoy seeing what the children have created independently! Enjoy!

4 In 55 BC Julius Caesar led a Roman army to Britain but only staid for a few days. In 54 BC the second Roman expedition to Britain plans were drawn up for full scale. In 43 BC there was Roman invasion force of 40,000 men led by Aulus. Hadrian's wall begun in AD122. The wall took 15 years and 2 million tonnes of stone to complete.

5 Roman road Roman roads were well built Surveyonrs planed the route using a groma – four weighted strings hanging from a cross on a pole Laid foundations of clay, chalk and gravel

6 Roman family life House hold. The family all lived in flat or a mansion. There are some mosaic on the roof.

7 Inside a Roman household!!!! Done by Charmaine Bennett and Kara Gill. H i s w i f e, k i d s a n d g l a d i a t o r b e l o n g e d t o h i m. W o m e n c a r e d f o r t h e h o u s e a n d f a m i l y. R o m a n f a m i l i e s o n l y a l l o w e d t h r e e k i d s. T h e y h a d n o r i g h t s f o r t h e h o u s e h o l d b e c a u s e t h e f a t h e r w a s t h e b o s s o f t h e h o u s e h o l d.

8 Lead pipes brought water to rich people’s homes. The pipes were taxed according to size, The larger the pipes the more tax. Draining ditch

9 Girls always left school earlier, because they had to go learn how to run the household by their mother. Girls were married by the age of 12. Boys were mostly taken in as for the girls they got their heads cut off. Roman girls done by Kara Gill and Charmaine Bennett.


11 roman education by Emily Waite and Faith Haslam The way school worked was boys went to school at the age of six. Girls stayed at home and helped their mothers. But if you were rich your daughters would go to school. But most teachers were slaves.

12 Roman Numerals An image of roman Numerals. I=1 II=2 IX=9 III=3 X=10 IV=4 V=5 VI=6 VII=7 VIII=8 We still use roman numerals. Roman numerals are easy to learn. Any one can learn them, 3 year olds can learn them, even babies could learn them. In 2016 from December 2015 to 13 th Feb Romans are our topic. Roman numerals. Do you like Romans? Well if you don’t you will Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 The strength of the mighty Empire depended on its army. The roman army conquered new lands protected the roman empire from the roman enemies and kept it in peace. Julius Cesar was a rich man. And he lead an army into battle. And in that battle he got stabbed to death.

14 Roman Army The Romans carried food with them to wars. They take daggers to war. They take a nice,shiney sword. They take big, shiny helmets. They take spears to kill the people. They take axes to war to fight the army. They take shield to the war to have protection from the bad army. The strength of the mighty Roman Empire depended on its army. The roman army conquered new lands and kept the peace

15 Entertainment Roman gathered in coliseum.They came to see chariot racing. Chariot racing is racing in a oblong shaped mettle box puled by horses. This is a Roman image of chariot racing.

16 coliseums Roman gathered in coliseum. They tried to kill lions. Sometimes they tried to fight each other. They did all kinds of stuff like training for fighting. I think lots of people in our times would really like to watch a roman fight well I think our class would. They race in coliseums' sometimes that is what Romans did in coliseums. Romans loved fighting leopards and some times they made mosaic coliseum or them fighting. Romans loved fighting

17 ROMAN PUNISHMENTS By Imogen Atkins and Jack Presland If you killed your father you’d get put in a sack and thrown in the river. If you told lies you were clabbed and stoned to death. The Romans had strict laws and punishments for criminals.

18 For taking crops from other people you get strangled. For stealing food, criminals were sent to work in the dark mines.

19 ROMAN GODS! By Fae The Romans where very religious people. Their was a god for everything. To keep gods happy animals were killed as often as they wanted.

20 Romans life By kai The roman gods included: Jupiter. Neptune

21 Roman roads! Roman’s first main road was built in in 312 bc. Some roman roads have survived for over 2,000 years. The romans where great builders. Roads were a favourite place for tombles. Passers by were asked to remember the dead people buried there, spirits alive.

22 Emperor Caligula went mad and got murdered. Claudius conquered Britain in 43 ad 84ad Last known battle at Mons Grapius north east Scotland. Caesar first name is Gaius

23 Thank you for reading our presentation. We hope your enjoyed it!

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