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Ch 9 The Progressive Era Section 1 The Origins of Progressivism.

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1 Ch 9 The Progressive Era Section 1 The Origins of Progressivism

2 4 Main Goals 1.Protecting social welfare: YMCA, Salvation Army, Florence KelleyYMCA, Salvation Army, Florence Kelley 2.Promoting moral improvement: Prohibition, Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement, Carry NationProhibition, Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement, Carry Nation 3.Creating economic reform: Socialism, Eugene V. DebsSocialism, Eugene V. Debs 4.Fostering efficiency: Louis D. Brandeis (“Brandeis brief”), scientific managementLouis D. Brandeis (“Brandeis brief”), scientific management

3 MUCKRACKERS Exposed “wrongs” in society/politicsExposed “wrongs” in society/politics Political cartoons, articlesPolitical cartoons, articles Ida Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard BakerIda Tarbell, Upton Sinclair, Lincoln Steffens, Ray Stannard Baker

4 Cleaning up local gov’t Natural disasters help launch reform movementNatural disasters help launch reform movement –1900 Galveston, Texas = hurricane forces creation of 5 member commission –1913 Dayton, Ohio = flood led to wide-spread adoption of city council headed by manager

5 Reform mayorsReform mayors –Focused on dismissing corrupt & greedy private owners utilities –Exa. Hazen Pingree of Detroit, Michigan & Tom Johnson of Cleveland, Ohio

6 Reform at State Level Reform GovernorsReform Governors –Robert M. La Follette: Wisconsin; targeted RR industry & utilities; approved direct primaries, initiatives, referendums, and recalls.

7 Labor reformsLabor reforms –1904 Natn’l child labor committee –1916 Keating-Owen Act: prohibits interstate trade of goods produced by kids. –Muller v. Oregon & Bunting v. Oregon upheld ten- hour work day 17 th Amendment – 1913 direct election of senators17 th Amendment – 1913 direct election of senators

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