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Primary Mathematics Signature Project 2013 / 2014.

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1 Primary Mathematics Signature Project 2013 / 2014





6 Beginning to baseline with an activity OFMDFM Signature Project

7 2465 The Race to Place OFMDFM Signature Project


9 Maths Language OFMDFM Signature Project

10 Classroom Strategies Think, pair and share Provide think time Target key questions Use a ‘wrong’ answer as an opportunity to develop understanding Encourage pupils to ask questions OFMDFM Signature Project

11 Alternatives to questions Invite pupils to elaborate Speculate about the subject Make a suggestion Reinforce useful suggestions Clarify ideas Non-verbal interventions

12 Allows thinking time Participation of learners Many answers to one question Encourages learners to ‘have a go’ Provides information for assessment Provides an opportunity to move learning along Results in learning What are the benefits of using mini whiteboards?

13 The wall of maths mastery Mahesh Sharma Application Abstract Pictorial Intuitive Concrete Communication LinguisticConceptual Procedural

14 Pictorial Multiplication 25 x 36 20 6 5 30 600 150 120 30 900 600 120 150 30

15 Which approach makes you think more? 14+3= ? Can you find 17 ways of making 17? or ‘Traditional problem solving’Maths investigations OFMDFM Signature Project


17 Write or draw as many different aspects of the fraction as you can

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