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Historian Keeps a scrapbook of all special events, notices, newspaper articles, and photographs Keeps student council webpage and bulletin board up to.

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Presentation on theme: "Historian Keeps a scrapbook of all special events, notices, newspaper articles, and photographs Keeps student council webpage and bulletin board up to."— Presentation transcript:


2 Historian Keeps a scrapbook of all special events, notices, newspaper articles, and photographs Keeps student council webpage and bulletin board up to date Creates end of the year slide show of student councils accomplishments Participates in all student council projects

3 Why I want to be on student council I've been told you have a lot of fun! I have never been on it and want to give it a try My friends said I would be good at doing historian I have been encouraged to at least try for student council

4 Why I would be a good candidate I’m very creative I never run out of ideas I make things eye popping I love doing crafty stuff like this I have an imaginative mind I work well with others I’m good at sharing my ideas


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