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Study of the Book of rehtsE Dan. 6:8-9. Study of the Book of rehtsE (rehtsE = Esther in Reverse in Order) Dan. 6:8-9.

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Presentation on theme: "Study of the Book of rehtsE Dan. 6:8-9. Study of the Book of rehtsE (rehtsE = Esther in Reverse in Order) Dan. 6:8-9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study of the Book of rehtsE Dan. 6:8-9

2 Study of the Book of rehtsE (rehtsE = Esther in Reverse in Order) Dan. 6:8-9

3 8 Now, O king, establish the decree and sign the writing, so that it cannot be changed, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which does not alter. 9 Therefore King Darius signed the written decree. Dan. 6:8-9

4 Esther in Ten Scenes

5 # 10 A man hanging on a gallows

6 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace

7 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace

8 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows

9 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows # 6 A queen risks her life

10 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows # 6 A queen risks her life # 5 Advice from a cousin

11 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows # 6 A queen risks her life # 5 Advice from a cousin # 4 Hate and an edict to kill Jews

12 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows # 6 A queen risks her life # 5 Advice from a cousin # 4 Hate and an edict to kill Jews # 3 A plot to kill the king foiled

13 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows # 6 A queen risks her life # 5 Advice from a cousin # 4 Hate and an edict to kill Jews # 3 A plot to kill the king foiled # 2 A new queen is chosen

14 Esther in Ten Scenes # 10 A man hanging on a gallows # 9 Second banquet in a king’s palace # 8 First banquet in a king’s palace # 7 A man building a gallows # 6 A queen risks her life # 5 Advice from a cousin # 4 Hate and an edict to kill Jews # 3 A plot to kill the king foiled # 2 A new queen is chosen # 1 A drunk king & a virtuous woman

15 SOC Questions From Book of Esther (Match the following) Theme of EstherEsther Young Jewish Queen For such a time... Modest Queen of PersiaHaman Plotted to kill JewsMordecai Esther’s CousinTells of Providence Who knows...Vashti

16 Lessons From Esther

17 The virtue of virtuousness

18 Lessons From Esther The virtue of virtuousness God not mentioned, yet He provides

19 Lessons From Esther The virtue of virtuousness God not mentioned, yet He provides For such a time as this

20 His Influences in Your Salvation Believe in HimMark 16:16 Repent—decide to obeyActs 17:30 Confess ChristRom. 10:9 Baptized to be savedActs 2:38 Added to His kingdom, His church Be faithful until deathRev. 2:10

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