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Presentation on theme: "NURSING RESEARCH: NAVIGATING THE CINAHL JOURNAL DATABASE Student Success Day February 25, 2016."— Presentation transcript:


2 FINDING ARTICLES Scholarly or academic journal articles are written to communicate within an academic discipline or field of study. When you search for articles you want to use a journal database that covers that academic discipline. Good for nursing coverage:  CINAHL Plus with Full Text  Academic Search Premier  ScienceDirect  Others, listed on our library website under ARTICLES

3 TYPES OF SCHOLARLY ARTICLES  Academic articles present reports of original research, reviews of current research, in-depth analysis of issues within the discipline, or academic-level book reviews.  Refereed or peer-reviewed refers to the process of approval by reviewers in the academic discipline, required before the paper is allowed to be published.

4 CHECK FOR A RESEARCH GUIDE There may be a guide set up for your class, with help for specific assignments.

5 START YOUR SEARCH  We will start our search in CINAHL, the recommended starting point for most nursing research at MCTC.  CINAHL focuses on the literature of nursing and allied health (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature).  Access from the MCTC Library home page > ARTICLES > Peer-reviewed > scroll down the list alphabetically to CINAHL;  OR start from a Research Guide.


7 WHAT WORDS SHOULD I USE? EXAMPLE: search for articles on preventing bloodstream infections due to catheters. Break your search into 2 or 3 main concepts, then combine them with the capitalized word AND between concepts. We will begin with: catheter infections AND bloodstream AND prevention


9 CAN WE IMPROVE THIS SEARCH?  Click on one of the article titles and look for subject headings.  EXAMPLE: from the results list above, click on the title for "Catheter-associated bloodstream infection prevention: what is missing?"  Whether you will find a good subject heading or not depends on your topic. Sometimes there aren't any close matches, but it is always worth looking.

10 Look at the links next to Major Subjects. One of them is "Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections -- Prevention and Control". This is a close match to our search topic! If you click that link, you will re-run your search to locate all articles where that is a major subject of the article, which will focus your search.

11 Now we are down to 327 articles, but they are more focused, all have prevention of catheter- related bloodstream infections as a MAIN TOPIC.

12 LIMIT TO PEER-REVIEWED, RESEARCH ARTICLES We can use CINAHL limiters to meet the requirements of this assignment. Some options for limiting are:  Limit to peer-reviewed  Limit to research articles  Limit by date  Limit to articles with full text in this database

13 From your results page, under the search box, click Advanced Search. This will keep your current search and give you many limiting options.


15 Both primary research reports and systematic reviews will show up as research articles. You can limit to only reviews if you want.

16 LIMIT TO ONLY RECENT ARTICLES Use the date slider to select only results from 2010 - 2016

17 Limiting has greatly decreased the number of articles in our results. On the left hand side of your results list, you can always check to see which limiters are active. If you want to remove a limiter, just click the “X” blue box next to the limit. Limiting has greatly decreased the number of articles in our results. On the left hand side of your results list, you can always check to see which limiters are active. If you want to remove a limiter, just click the “X” blue box next to the limit.

18 IS IT A GOOD IDEA TO LIMIT TO FULL TEXT ARTICLES ONLY?  Best answer is, “it depends”.  If you have a lot of results, and are seeing the kind of articles you need, it is an efficient way to focus on the articles that you can access right away.  If you are getting very few results (5? 10?), or not seeing the type of article you need, then it may be better to see if you can follow the “Find Full Text” link to another MCTC database that may have the article. This takes more time, and some databases do not play nicely with the linker software, and give confusing results. And, MCTC simply may not have any full text access.  Last resort – request an interlibrary loan of the article. No cost to students, but there will be a time lag in getting the article (1-3 days, typically.) Ask for help from a reference librarian if you are not familiar with the process.

19 Now we are down to 20 peer-reviewed research (and review) articles, published from 2010 – 2015, that have full text available from CINAHL.

20 LOOK IN DETAIL AT ARTICLE RECORD  Lots of information about the article.  The abstract can help you decide if the article is right for your assignment.  Left-hand side Tools give you many options to save and send the article.



23 CITATION HELP You can copy and paste the pre-formatted APA citation into your list of works cited. The MCTC Library recommends that you do this right away! We also recommend a slight change to the pre-formatted citation.

24 RECOMMENDED APA CITATION Pre-formatted by CINAHL: Menglin, T., Mei, F., Lijun, C., Jinmei, Z., Peng, J., & Shuhua, L. (2014). Closed Blood Conservation Device for Reducing Catheter-Related Infections in Children After Cardiac Surgery. Critical Care Nurse, 34(5), 53-61 9p. doi:10.4037/ccn2014416 The MCTC Library recommends that you replace the DOI number with the statement, “Retrieved from ”, unless your instructor gives you other requirements. Menglin, T., Mei, F., Lijun, C., Jinmei, Z., Peng, J., & Shuhua, L. (2014). Closed Blood Conservation Device for Reducing Catheter-Related Infections in Children After Cardiac Surgery. Critical Care Nurse, 34(5), 53-61 9p. Retrieved from CINAHL Plus with Full Text database. For our subscription databases, it is usually more helpful to state which database you retrieved the article from, rather than have the reader of your paper try to retrieve it with the DOI.

25 PERMALINK If you want to save a link to the article, click the permalink icon, and use that URL as your link. Example: =true&db=rzh&AN=103899479&site=ehost-live =true&db=rzh&AN=103899479&site=ehost-live This uses code for our proxy server, so you will be able to use this link on or off campus. Off campus, you will need to authenticate first with your StarID for access.


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