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ADVERTS CATRIN. M&S CHRISTMAS ADVERT 2013 Start – Dark street. Night. Our world. Girl dressed in white coat chasing a white furred dog. Soft music and.

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Presentation on theme: "ADVERTS CATRIN. M&S CHRISTMAS ADVERT 2013 Start – Dark street. Night. Our world. Girl dressed in white coat chasing a white furred dog. Soft music and."— Presentation transcript:


2 M&S CHRISTMAS ADVERT 2013 Start – Dark street. Night. Our world. Girl dressed in white coat chasing a white furred dog. Soft music and sounds. Hear footsteps, dogs collar jingling. Her costume keeps changing between scenes. Suits to the theme of the setting. Wonderland – dark forest. Tea party. Unusual dressed characters. M&S products on table. Music picks up. Faster and more upbeat. Scary.

3 Forest – Ginger bread house. Warm glow. Light from window. Appealing. Dark outside. Snowing. Cold. She’s drawn to it. Music soft again. Dressed in red. Red riding hood. Inside – Lots of lights. Warm. Inviting. Out the cold. Magic carpet – Dark. Peaceful. Magical. Wearing linguine. Man joins her. Wearing a shirt. Aladdin. Music gets faster. Hear the wind. Looking down on the city.

4 Dark forest. Yellow brick road lights the way. In distance is glowing. Inviting them. Music very load and dramatic. Costumes look like characters from the Wizard of Oz. OZ – bright light. Music replaced by dialogue. Famous celebrity appearance. End – Dark street. Music soft. Happy ending. Catchphrase – Believe in Magic and Sparkle. Now know adverts for M&S.

5 DIET COKE ADVERT Start – woman on plane. Dark. Quiet. People reading, sleeping, etc. Gets a drink. Now know adverts for diet coke.

6 Everything changes. Bright. Up beat music. Same passengers but they're dressed different. Dancing. Old theme (1960’s?). More glamorous. Guy smiles at her. Wearing a suit. Sexy. Smart. Plane hits turbulence. Changes back. He now looks scruffy. Not as attractive.

7 She looks confused. Slogan shown.

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