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Intertextuality & Star Theory. WALT  Learning about Intertextuality and Richard Dyer’s “Star Theory” and how it applies to how women are represented.

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Presentation on theme: "Intertextuality & Star Theory. WALT  Learning about Intertextuality and Richard Dyer’s “Star Theory” and how it applies to how women are represented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intertextuality & Star Theory

2 WALT  Learning about Intertextuality and Richard Dyer’s “Star Theory” and how it applies to how women are represented in music videos

3 Key Term - Intertextuality  Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text

4 Key Term - Intertextuality  Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text

5 Key Term - Intertextuality  Intertextuality is the shaping of a text’s meaning by another text

6 Phase 2 - Meet Richard  Richard Dyer  Proposed “Star Theory”

7 Star Theory  “Star Theory”  Stars are not actually people but commodities created to make money from a specifically targeted audience  Can you think of any examples?

8 Dyer vs. Miley?  When the star’s demographic ages or changes, they need to make a distinct choice to target this new audience with drastic changes to appearance or their product

9 Star Theory Pt 3  The star needs to seem both ordinary and extraordinary at the same time  What would Dyer think of Taylor Swift and of the You Belong With Me video when compared to another Taylor Swift video?  On your own watch Shake It Off and compare it to You Belong With Me.  What elements of Intertextuality and Star Theory do you see present

10 Extension Task/Homework  Choose another artist and track how Star Theory applies to him/her/them over the course of their career  Can you find an example of intertextuality in any of their videos?  What is the example? What meaning is borrowed by the new text from the old text?

11 Phase 3 - Today’s Video Is…  As we watch, make note of the 4 criteria for analysing a music video  Also consider how Mulvey would react to the video

12 PHASE 3 – Is Taylor Swift represented by Star Theory?

13 Phase 3  What is the message to Taylor Swift’s target audience?  Mr. Gooda thinks the message in Taylor Swift’s video is completely hypocritical. ◦ Why?  Write a TEA paragraph on how women are represented in “You Belong With Me.”

14 WILF  ALL – accurately explain/describe most common conventions. Accurate terminology applied sometimes.  MOST – accurately explain/analyse in detail conventions. Accurate terminology applied consistently.  SOME – accurately analyse/evaluate in detail conventions. Accurate and broad terminology applied.

15 Set your phasers to 4  Partner up with someone who you didn’t work with  Compare sheets. Which words did you agree on? Which ones were different?  Make a list of disagreements and we’ll talk about them

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