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Published byAllen Cameron Modified over 9 years ago
Performance and operation experience of the Atlas Semiconductor Tracker and Pixel Detector at the LHC Ewa Stanecka PAS, Cracow for the ATLAS collaboration Vertex 2013
Outline Introduction Operations and performance Radiation damage Combined tracking performance Technical stop activities Conclusions 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20132
LHC and ATLAS detector The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is the world’s highest energy particle accelerator. Beams of 4TeV protons can be made to collide head-on at 4 points around the ring, where particle detectors record the results of the collisions. 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20133 ATLAS is designed to: Investigate the TeV scale Search for the Higgs boson Search beyond the Standard Model, Supersymmetry, Mini-black holes, Leptoquarks,Extradimensions Make precision measurements of SM
ATLAS Inner Detector The ID consists of: – Pixel detector – Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) –Transition Radiation Tracker(TRT) All within 2T solenoid B-field. Pixel and SCT kept cold by evaporative cooling, using C 3 F 8 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20134 Precision tracking at LHC luminosity over 5 units in η Precise primary/secondary vertex reconstruction Excellent b-tagging in jets Electron, muon, tau, b- and c-hadron reconstruction covers : |η| < 2.5 (2.0 for TRT)
Pixel Detector 3 barrel layers, 2 x 3- layer end-cap disks 1744 pixel modules, 80M+ channels Intrinsic Resolution 10 μm/115 μm (R ϕ /z) Cooled to average T = -13ºC 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20135
Pixel Detector Module Sensor: 250 μm thick n-on-n sensor 47232 (328 x 144) pixels Typical pixel size 50 x 400 μm 2 (50 x 600 μm 2 pixels in gaps between FE chips) Bias voltage 150 – 600 V Readout: 16 FE chips, 2880 pixels each Zero suppression in the FE chip, MCC builds module event Pulse height measured by means of Time over Threshold Data transfer 40 – 160 MHz depending on layer 15/09/2013 Ewa Stanecka: Vertex2013 6
Semiconductor Tracker (SCT) 4 barrel layers, 9 disks per end-cap 4088 modules, 6.3M channels (61 m 2 ) Intrinsic Resolution = 17 μm / 580 μm (R ϕ /z) Operational T = -8ºC to ~5ºC C 3 F 8 Evaporative Cooling, in common with Pixel detector 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20137
SCT modules Back-to-back sensors glued to highly thermally conductive substrates for mechanical thermal stability, wire-bonded to form ~12cm long strips 40mrad stereo angle between strips on opposite sides 1536 channels (768 on each side) 5.6W/module (rising to ~10W after 10 yrs LHC) up to 500V sensor bias (nominal 150V) Readout by 12 rad-hard ASICs (binary hit-no-hit) 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20138 2112 barrel modules one shape 1976 end-cap modules 3 shapes
LHC/ATLAS data taking LHC delivered: -48,1 pb -1 in 2010 -5,61 fb -1 in 2011 -23,3 fb -1 in 2012 -31,2 nb -1 in 2013 50ns bunch spacing. 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex20139 ATLAS Trigger system selects interesting events. “Level 1” hardware trigger, rate ~70kHz Detector subsystems must read out their data at this rate! Software-based High Level Trigger further reduces rate to 400Hz for data recording.
LHC/ATLAS data taking High instantaneous luminosity leads to up to 40 pp interactions per bunch crossing (μ). High detector occupancy. Non-zero rate of Single Event Upsets (SEUs) 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201310
SCT data taking 99% of readout channels operational 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201311 SCT bias voltage maintained at safe 50V level until “Stable Beams” declared, at which point HV is ramped to 150V. Automated action in 2012, though with shifter oversight. Year 201020112012 Lumi-weighted SCT good data fraction 99.9%99.6%99.1% TotalOut-of-readout (Barrel/Endcap) Fraction (Total) Modules408811/190.73% Chips4905638/170.11% Strips62791684111/72520.18% Automatic recovery (reconfiguration) of modules giving persistent readout errors. Reconfiguration of all modules every 30 minutes during running (recover from SEUs).
Evolution of SCT configuration 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201312
SCT Efficiency Define intrinsic hit efficiency as “hits-per- possible-hit”, i.e. ignore non-operational modules from both numerator and denominator. To measure efficiency of each module side, perform track fits ignoring that side, and then see if we see a hit. 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201313 Efficiency well above 99% for all layers+sides!
SCT single Hit Efficiency 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201314 The mean intrinsic hit efficiency for each layer of the SCT measured in 8 TeV proton-proton collisions. Taken from a special run in 2012 with a low number of p-p interactions per crossing.
SCT Noise Too many fake hits from noise could impair the pattern recognition in tracking software. SCT was designed to have noise occupancy lower than 5x10 -4. Occupancy can be measured either in standalone calibration runs, or as part of normal ATLAS data-taking (look in empty bunch-crossings). Noise is well within design limits. 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201315
Evolution of SCT Noise and Gain 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201316
Pixel data taking 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201317 Year 201020112012 Lumi-weighted Pixel good data fraction 99.1%99.8%99.9% 99.9% Pixel data taking efficiency in 2012 95% of the modules are active in data taking in 2012 Inoperable fraction gets addressed in the LS1 repairs
Readout limitations 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201318 In case of high burst data rate or SEUs module busies, timeouts and desynchronization are frequent Mitigated by real-time recovery actions, resulting in great reduction of dead time: O(s) → O(ms) Module desynchronization addressed by automatic reconfiguration of the affected module. Limitations will be removed by the installation of new ROD/BOC system for Layer 2 which provide higher through-put.
Pixel threshold and noise Threshold and noise is determined by measuring the discriminator activation curve as a function of the injected charge The Pixel Detector is operated at a threshold of 3500 e-, typical dispersion 40 e-. Typical noise is since the beginning below 200 e- for regular sized pixels. Online Noise Mask of Pixels with noise occupancy > 10 -6 hits/event Noise occupancy O(10 -9 ) hits/pixel/beam crossing (after masking) 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201319
Pixel Time-over-threshold (ToT ) Time-over-threshold (ToT, length of discriminator signal) information (in units of 25 ns) is read out together with the hit information → measurement of the deposited charge Time-over-threshold tuned pixel by pixel to 30 BC @ 20ke The ToT resolution achieved with the internal calibration is sufficient to distinguish p from K in minimum bias events below 1 GeV/c. The dE/dx resolution is 12% 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201320
Pixel Hit-to-Track Association Efficiency In all active modules including dead and masked pixels Efficiency ~99% for nearly all parts Slightly lower efficiency in the outermost discs due to individual modules 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201321
Radiation damage 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201322 Expected Radiation Dose and Depletion Voltage Shift – Status as of End 2012
SCT Radiation damage Evolution of Leakage current in SCT Barrels compared to a prediction 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201323 Radiation damage is not yet having a significant impact on the operating characteristics of SCT modules.
Pixel Radiation Damage Radiation damage in sensor visible in leakage current and shift of depletion voltage Type inversion happened early 2012 for B-Layer, late 2012 for Layer 1 and not yet for Layer 2 Depletion voltage/depth can be determined by using crosstalk method before type inversion track depth method after type inversion 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201324 Cooling stops
Tracking performance Up to 4,000 tracks per event in high-pile-up conditions seen in 2012! 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201325 Excellent agreement between data and Monte Carlo simulation.
Impact parameter and vertex reconstruction 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201326 Precise track resolution of the ATLAS Inner Detector result in an transverse impact parameter of O(10)μm Very good vertex and secondary vertices position resolution
Inner Detector Radiology 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201327 Secondary hadron vertex distribution is used for accurate material map
Technical stop activities - SCT SCT power and cooling were switched off in February 2013 –Cooling and powering of SCT is expected to return in Mid 2014 Numerous SCT consolidation activities – Upgrade/expansion of SCT-DAQ Installation of an additional 38 Read-Out Drivers (RODs) These will remove a critical DAQ bottleneck and will allow us to be able to read out the SCT up to 3x10 34 cm -2 s -1 (assuming 25ns bunch spacing) Installation of new TX optical engines in the Back Of Crate (BOC) cards –ROD firmware upgrade 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201328
Technical stop activities - Pixel Pixel Detector was extracted from the ATLAS detector in the beginning of LS1and since April 2013 is in a lab on the surface for refurbishment New Pixel Quarter Service Panels nSQP will be integrated into the Pixel detector, after the old services have been dismounted New position of opto-boards allows maintenance each year allow Layer 1 readout speed upgrade to 160 Mbit/s Layer 2 DAQ Upgrade: operate single link at 80 Mbit/s additional off-detector hardware will be installed (ROD/BOC) Install fourth pixel layer: Insertable B-Layer (IBL) at R= 3.3 (see talk by Fabian Huegging on Thursday) 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201329
Technical stop activities – ID common infrastructure Testing/repair of evaporative heaters system, which ensures thermal shield between silicon detectors and TRT operating in room temperature Commissioning of new Thermosiphon cooling system which will replace compressor based cooling system Cleanness: avoiding the pollution produced by working components like compressors and/or pumps. Leak reduction: due to the reduction of the connections as a direct consequence of the simplification of the main loop. Accessibility: allows a full time access for preventive and corrective maintenance to all the active parts of the system. Reliability: increases the reliability using standard industrial material for the Chiller and passive components for the main loop 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201330
Conclusions The Pixel detector and SCT have performed extremely well during LHC Run 1 and have contributed to the rich and diverse program of ATLAS physics. Efficiency and noise match or exceed design specifications. We have put great emphasis on configuration stability reliability and up time during operations. The effects of radiation damage (increase in leakage currents) are entirely consistent with our expectations (Hamburg/Dortmund model). Excellent combined tracking performance. Ongoing upgrades and consolidation of SCT and Pixel detector during the first long shut-down of the LHC to improve the cooling system and expand the DAQ system to be able to cope with 3 times the design luminosity. 15/09/2013Ewa Stanecka: Vertex201331
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