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Rugby December Presentation By Lane Austin. Tips and Advice My Mentor Gave Me I need to tackle at the hips I should “run at spaces not faces” when I have.

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Presentation on theme: "Rugby December Presentation By Lane Austin. Tips and Advice My Mentor Gave Me I need to tackle at the hips I should “run at spaces not faces” when I have."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rugby December Presentation By Lane Austin

2 Tips and Advice My Mentor Gave Me I need to tackle at the hips I should “run at spaces not faces” when I have the ball Keep my hands ready to catch the ball Do extra exercise when I don’t have practice

3 What My Mentor Said to do and Improve

4 Get the ball more to score

5 Run more outside of practice

6 Get in shape for High school season in January

7 Get lower to tackle better

8 Run longer with the ball

9 What I have Improved on Technique in tackling and running Number of successful tackles to failed ones How many times I score Number of tackles

10 Number of successful Tackles

11 Successful Tackles to Failed Ones

12 Scoring

13 Citation Unknown author, “rugby and exercise pictures”, ugby+and+exercise+pictures&oq=rugby+and+exercise+pictures&gs_l=img.3...100132.107214.0.107448., unknown date ugby+and+exercise+pictures&oq=rugby+and+exercise+pictures&gs_l=img.3...100132.107214.0.107448. RugbyCoachingDrills, “Rugby Coaching Drills – Double-tackle”,, November 14, 2012 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, August 29 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, September 3 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, September 5 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, September 12 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, September 17 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, September 21 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, September 24 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, October 1 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, October 5 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, October 8 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, October 22 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, October 29 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, November 5 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, November 12 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, November 16 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, December, 4 Coach Chad, “Rugby Practice”, Rugby Practice, December 14

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