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Surveys, Evaluations, and Clickers, Oh My! Patty Frisbee, Director, New Student Programs Trish Watson, Assistant Director, New Student Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Surveys, Evaluations, and Clickers, Oh My! Patty Frisbee, Director, New Student Programs Trish Watson, Assistant Director, New Student Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surveys, Evaluations, and Clickers, Oh My! Patty Frisbee, Director, New Student Programs Trish Watson, Assistant Director, New Student Programs

2 Where we use technology How we use technology What Type of tools Why we use technology

3  Concerns  Control of technology – It’s Technology  Time restraints within our program  Would the process be EASY?  Would it support our type of questions?  Cost…would we really save money?  Training  Staffing

4 Tools we use



7 Clicker Technology –Incoming Student Survey –Evaluations –Programs (Social issues) Turning Point and Testing Point Technologies

8 Challenges New - technology –Processes Live Excel Sheets Training Logistics (administration, completion ) –Lost data –Open Ended Questions Time Staffing Missing equipment Turning Point and Testing Point Technologies

9 Successes Increased participation from students Students and Parents experience Technology Green awareness Collaboration with IT Reduce paper Cost reductions in the future Turning Point and Testing Point Technologies

10 Capabilities of clicker questions/slides TurningPoint supports: Multiple choice format – Standard, Likert/opinion scale, yes/no, true/false – You can assign partial credit to responses Comparative links – Compare the responses from multiple slides on a single slide Priority Ranking – See in which order students favor one response over others 10

11 PLUG INTO THE GREEN MOVEMENT Flashdrive Eco-Friendly 1 GB Departments, Organizations, and Local Businesses and organizations Easy Students want

12 Interactive Interface Flipping Book Web-based The Game The Survey

13 Example of desk




17 Other On-line Technologies - Communications program (email, quick draw) - Joe’ss (student service) - Web page - on-line registration - on-line applications (mentors, volunteers) - Sign Up 4

18 CLICKER CHANNEL 41 C LICKER C LASSROOM RF Response Card Channel Setting 1.Press and release the GO button. 2.While the light is flashing red and green, press 41. 3.Then press and release the GO button again. RF RESPONSE CARD

19 Do you expect to complete your degree at Missouri S&T in... 1.3 years or less 2.4 years 3.5 years 4.6 or more years

20 Before you graduate do you plan to work in a Co-op or Internship? 1.Yes 2.No

21 If yes, when do you anticipate working in a Co-op or Internship? (select all that apply) 1.Freshmen Year Summer Semester 2.Sophomore Year Fall Semester 3.Sophomore Year Spring Semester 4.Sophomore Year Summer Semester 5.Junior Year Fall Semester 6.Junior Year Spring Semester 7.Junior Year Summer Semester 8.Senior Year Fall Semester 9.Senior Year Spring Semester 10.Senior Year Summer Semester

22 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree

23 Alcohol & Driving What percentage of S&T students do you think use a designated driver when they drink? 1.38% 2.52% 3.73% 4.85%

24 I believe that something should be done to intervene in problematic situations 1.Strongly Agree 2.Agree 3.Neutral 4.Disagree 5.Strongly Disagree


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