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DOWN SYNDROME WHAT IS DOWN SYNDROME? In every cell in the human body there is something called a nucleus that’s where the genetic materiel is stored.

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3 WHAT IS DOWN SYNDROME? In every cell in the human body there is something called a nucleus that’s where the genetic materiel is stored. Genes carry the codes responsible for all the genes the human inherited and are grouped along a straight line structure and those are call chromosomes. Typically the nucleus of each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes. When you have down syndrome you have an extra copy of chromosomes 21. So that’s how it affects you.

4 HOW DOES DOWN SYNDROME AFFECT A PERSON? It affects there… Motor Functions : They present low muscle tone. They present slowness and gross and fine motor clumsiness Attention Span : They get distracted really easily They present slowness and gross and fine motor clumsiness Memory It’s hard for them to generalize They are slow when it comes to processing the information Language When you have down syndrome it’s sometimes hard to respond verbally so they often respond physically with hand motions.

5 HOW IT AFFECTS YOUR BODY PHYSICALLY? Upward slanting eyes A flat face Abnormally shaped ears A short neck Poor muscle tone

6 HOW CAN YOU HELP A PERSON WITH DOWN SYNDROME Talk to them in a more clear and slow voice (but not super slow, you don’t want to make them feel bad) Treat them like any other person you know, just because they have down syndrome it doesn't mean they are a totally different person then you. When you are talking about someone with down syndrome don’t refer to him/her as The girl/boy with down syndrome. Don’t call them names like “downie” just because you think it’s funny they wont think it’s funny. If you are sitting next to them in class and they look confused whisper over to them and ask them if they need any help.

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