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Javaughn L W Lewis Mr. Smith’ s Social Studies.  England saw that Spain had become wealthy as a result of its colonies in the Americas.  Queen Elizabeth.

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Presentation on theme: "Javaughn L W Lewis Mr. Smith’ s Social Studies.  England saw that Spain had become wealthy as a result of its colonies in the Americas.  Queen Elizabeth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Javaughn L W Lewis Mr. Smith’ s Social Studies

2  England saw that Spain had become wealthy as a result of its colonies in the Americas.  Queen Elizabeth I of England commanded her sea captains to attack the Spanish treasure ships.  The captured treasure increased England’ s wealth and it became a wealthy country.  England wanted to set up its colonies around the world.  In 1584, Queen Elizabeth I told Walter Raleigh to set up a colony in North America Queen Elizabeth I

3  A year later Raleigh sent 100 colonists to Roanoke Island in an area he named Virginia  The colonists ran low on food so when an English ship arrived the left.  John white led another group of settlers in 1587 on Roanoke Island.  They also ran low on food and faced attacks by the American Indians.  White went back to get supplies. Three years later, when he returned everyone one was gone!  Roanoke became known as the Lost Colony

4  Some English merchants wanted to set up a colony in Virginia  With permission of King James I, these merchants created The Virginia Company  The Virginia Company was owned by many, each of whom had given money to set up the company  In the year of 1607, three ships sent by the company sailed into the deep bay  They chose a spot along the shore and built a settlement they called Jamestown. Jamestown, Virginia

5  Jamestown’ s location was chosen very poorly  During their first winter more than half their people died!  Jamestown may have become another Roanoke if it weren't for Captain John Smith  When John Smith became leader of Jamestown he made a law: Anyone who did not work did not eat.

6  The colonists were soon busy planting gardens, building shelters, and putting up palisades to protect from Indian attacks Virginia  During its time more than 30 tribes of the Eastern Woodlands lived in Virginia.  From the start there were conflicts between the Powhatan and Jamestown.  The colonists often stole crops from the Powhatan.  These thefts led to fighting. During which both sides would capture people. Captain John Smith

7  One day while exploring Captain John Smith was captured!  A legend says Chief of the Powhatan ordered John Smith to be sentenced to death  His daughter, Pocahontas saved Captain Smith’s life....

8  In time, the colonists a way to make a profit.  A crop called tobacco made Jamestown very successful.  A leader of Jamestown named John Rolfe experimented with different kinds of tobacco.  By 1619 Rolfe found a West Indian that was proved to be popular in England.  Growing tobacco required many workers. Tobacco

9  So the Virginia Co. offered to pay the people passages to Virginia.  In return the people agreed to work without pay.  In 1619, the first African arrived in Jamestown and were forced to work as slaves. …

10  By 1619 the Virginia colony had over 1,000 colonists!  With so many people the Virginia Company needed laws to keep order.  The Co. decided to set up a legislature.  Virginia’s legislature, called the House of Burgesses, first met in 1619. House of Burgesses

11  Colonists could elect members to represent them in the government  One law that they past was that every citizen was to go to church on Sunday.  In Virginia, religion and government are not separate.  Laws and taxes supported the church of England …

12  As more colonists arrived in Virginia, they continued to spread out onto Powhatan land  The Powhatans had already lost much of their land.  In 1622 the Powhatans attacked and killed more than 340 colonists in order to defend their land.  The colonists fought back in a series of wars, pushing Powhatan back and taking over their remaining land. Chief Powhatan

13  The bloody Powhatan Wars and the debts of the Virginia Company led King James I to take over Virginia, making it a royal colony.  This meant it was that the king owned the colony.  To help own the colony, the king picked a governor who shared power with the House of Burgesses. …

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