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Jefferson, Madison & Monroe Unit 4 Day 1 Board Notes Key Concept 4.1 Part I & 4.3 Part I-II.

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Presentation on theme: "Jefferson, Madison & Monroe Unit 4 Day 1 Board Notes Key Concept 4.1 Part I & 4.3 Part I-II."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jefferson, Madison & Monroe Unit 4 Day 1 Board Notes Key Concept 4.1 Part I & 4.3 Part I-II

2 Shrink govt. size and power Marbury v. Madison Repeal Judiciary Act of 1789 (Adams administration) 40 judges ousted Barbary Pirates (Mediterranean) Abolished internal taxes Reduced the army Tolerated the Bank of US Louisiana Purchase $15 million Lewis and Clark w/Sacajawea New England Federalists talk secession Burr kills Hamilton JEFFERSON ADMINISTRATION

3 Chesapeake attack in 1807 (impressment) Economic restrictions on trade Western Indian fighting – Tecumseh War Hawks (Clay and Calhoun) Battle of Tippecanoe Respect for American sovereignty New Englanders opposed war After 2 years, capitol burned Jackson victory at Battle of Horseshoe Bend (British supported Creeks) Hartford Convention Treaty of Ghent, Dec. 24, 1814 Jackson victory at New Orleans J.Q. Adams diplomacy WAR OF 1812

4 National v. Jeffersonian Repubs. Henry Clay (KY) = 2 nd BUS Nationalists aligned w/Federalist Eastern voters Jeffersonians = South & West 1818 election Monroe wins, Federalist party ends Chief Justice Marshall ardent Federalist. Judicial Authority (review), Marbury v. Madison Supremacy of national over state leg., McCulloch v. Maryland, 1819, Gibbons v. Ogden, 1824 Property Rights protection, Fletcher v. Peck, 1810 & Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 1819 FEDERALIST LEGACY

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