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Chapter 15 Section 2 Fishes. Standard: The anatomy and physiology of animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function EQ: Describe.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 15 Section 2 Fishes. Standard: The anatomy and physiology of animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function EQ: Describe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 15 Section 2 Fishes

2 Standard: The anatomy and physiology of animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function EQ: Describe the three classes of fish, and give an example of each

3 I. Fish characteristics: A) Fish swim, so they have body parts that help them do so (structure and function!) A) Fish swim, so they have body parts that help them do so (structure and function!) 1- Fins- fanlike structures that help them move, steer, stop and balance 1- Fins- fanlike structures that help them move, steer, stop and balance 2- Scales- protect the body and reduce friction as they swim through water 2- Scales- protect the body and reduce friction as they swim through water

4 Fish Characteristics continued…… B) Well developed nervous system – fish have well developed vision, hearing, and sense of smell B) Well developed nervous system – fish have well developed vision, hearing, and sense of smell 1- fish also have a lateral line system, which detects water vibrations 1- fish also have a lateral line system, which detects water vibrations

5 Fish Characteristics continued…… C) Fish have gills- C) Fish have gills- 1- gills are organs that remove oxygen from the water 1- gills are organs that remove oxygen from the water

6 Fish Characteristics continued…… D) Two kinds of reproduction- D) Two kinds of reproduction- 1- External fertilization- The female lays eggs and the male deposits sperm on them. Most fish reproduce this way 1- External fertilization- The female lays eggs and the male deposits sperm on them. Most fish reproduce this way 2- Internal fertilization- male deposits sperm inside the female 2- Internal fertilization- male deposits sperm inside the female

7 II. Three Types of Fish A) Jawless fish- include lampreys and hagfish. They are eel-like, have a round jawless mouth, and a cartilaginous skeleton A) Jawless fish- include lampreys and hagfish. They are eel-like, have a round jawless mouth, and a cartilaginous skeleton

8 B) Cartilaginous Fish- include sharks, skates and rays. B) Cartilaginous Fish- include sharks, skates and rays. 1- To stay afloat sharks, skates and rays need to keep moving because they store a lot of oil in their liver, which makes them heavier than the water. 1- To stay afloat sharks, skates and rays need to keep moving because they store a lot of oil in their liver, which makes them heavier than the water. 2- Some keep swimming to keep the flow of water moving across their gills 2- Some keep swimming to keep the flow of water moving across their gills

9 C) Bony fish- Goldfish, tuna, trout, catfish, cod, and many others are all bony fish C) Bony fish- Goldfish, tuna, trout, catfish, cod, and many others are all bony fish 1- have skeletons made of bone 1- have skeletons made of bone 2- 95% of fish are bony fish 2- 95% of fish are bony fish 3- can float in one place 3- can float in one place 4- have a swim bladder to keep them afloat 4- have a swim bladder to keep them afloat 5- there are 2 groups of bony fish: 5- there are 2 groups of bony fish: a) ray-finned fish- have paired fins a) ray-finned fish- have paired fins b) lobe-finned fish- have fins that are muscular and thick b) lobe-finned fish- have fins that are muscular and thick

10 Quick Quiz: Quick Quiz: 1- Describe the 3 types of fish. 2- Most bony fish reproduce by external fertilization. What does this mean?

11 Standard: The anatomy and physiology of animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function EQ: Describe the three classes of fish, and give an example of each

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