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1 Draw 3 Animals from the Animal Kingdom!. 2 39 Title PagePg 1 Table of ContentsPg 2-3 InstructionsPg 4-5 General Animal FactsPg 6-7 PoriferaPg 8-9 CnidariaPg.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Draw 3 Animals from the Animal Kingdom!. 2 39 Title PagePg 1 Table of ContentsPg 2-3 InstructionsPg 4-5 General Animal FactsPg 6-7 PoriferaPg 8-9 CnidariaPg."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Draw 3 Animals from the Animal Kingdom!

2 2 39 Title PagePg 1 Table of ContentsPg 2-3 InstructionsPg 4-5 General Animal FactsPg 6-7 PoriferaPg 8-9 CnidariaPg 10-11 Platyhelminthes Pg 12-13 NematodaPg 14-15 AnnelidaPg 16-17 MolluscaPg 18-19

3 38 3 ArthropodaPg 20-21 EchinodermPg 22-23 ChordataPg 24-25 Agnatha, Chondrichthyes, & OsteichthyesPg 26-27 AmphibiansPg 28-29 ReptiliaPg 30-31 AvesPg 32-33 MammaliaPg 34-35

4 437 This book will explain information about the 9 phyla in the Animal Kingdom. This book must be done neatly. All drawings need to be colored with map pencils or crayons. After each lesson you will answer the questions for each phylum in your book.

5 36 5

6 6 35 Multicellular – Asymmetry – Eukaryotic – Heterotrophs – Radial - Invertebrates - Vertebrates - 3.How many chambers are found in the heart of mammals? 4.Describe each of the three groups of mammals and give examples in each group.

7 34 7 Cephalization – Symmetry – Bilateral – Segmentation - Coelomate - Acoelomate - Pseudocoelomate - Vocabulary (define the following) Dioecious - 1.What characteristics are common in all mammals? 2.Are mammals endothermic or exothermic?

8 8 33 1.Explain what the Porifera means. 2.Name the animals found in this phylum. 3.Sponges are sessile- define sessile. 4.What type of body symmetry is found in sponges? 4.How is the respiratory system an advantage for birds? 5.Do birds have internal or external fertilization? 6.Compare 3 different groups of birds based on their environment/habitat, type of beaks, & types of feet.

9 32 9 5.Describe how sponges eat. 6.Describe how sponges reproduce sexually and asexually. 7.Include 2 drawings of a sponge. Label some details in your drawings. Vocabulary (define the following) Bipedal – Gizzard – Air sacs – 1.What 3 major adaptations allow for flight? 2.Are birds endothermic or ectothermic? 3.How many chambers are found in the heart of a bird?

10 10 31 1.What environments do cnidarians live in? 2.Define cnidocyte. 3.List 3 types of animals in this phyla. 4.What type of symmetry do they have? 4.Are reptiles ectothermic or endothermic? 5.What are the four groups of reptiles (also identify their scientific order name). Give an example of an organism found in each and identify them as carnivores or herbivores? 6.What is the difference between turtles & tortoises?

11 30 11 5.Describe the 2 shapes of cnidarians. 6.Describe how cnidarians eat. 7.Fill in the blanks: “ They can reproduce asexually by ____________ and sexually by producing _______ and ____________. “ 8.Include two drawings of cnidarians. Label some details in your drawings. 1.What adaptations allow reptiles to survive on land?(give at least 5) 2.What adaptations allow reptiles to reproduce on land? 3.How many chambers are in a reptiles heart?

12 12 29 1.What type of symmetry? 2.Describe how planaria reproduce sexually and asexually. 3.Describe how the free living flatworms obtain food. 4.Describe how the parasitic flatworms obtain food. 3.How many chambers are in an amphibians heart? 4.What is unique about the adult amphibian integumentary system? 5.Are amphibians ectothermic or endothermic? 6.Complete the below table: Habitat (aquatic/terrestrial) Feeding (herbivore/carnivore) Respiratory (gills/lungs) Immature Mature

13 28 13 5.List 3 worms that are in this phylum. 6.Draw a flatworm and a tapeworm Vocabulary (define the following) Nicitating membrane – Tympanic membrane – Cloaca- Metamorphosis- 1.Amphibian means "2 lives." What does that mean? 2.What are the three groups of amphibians (also identify their scientific order name) and give an example of an organism found in each?

14 14 27 1.Describe the openings found in the roundworm’s digestive system. 2.Many roundworms are parasitic. List 3 diseases caused by roundworms. 3.How can humans get one of these diseases? Skeleton (cartilage/bone) Endothermic/ Ectothermic Operculum present? Yes/no Example Agnatha Osteichthyes Chondrichthyes Complete the table below.

15 26 15 4.Draw a round worm Vocabulary (define the following) Operculum – Lateral Lines – Swim bladder – 1. How many chambers are in a fish heart? 2.How do fish reproduce?

16 16 25 1.What does Annelida mean? 2.List 2 types of worms in this phylum. 3.How do these move? 4.How do they breathe? 1.Draw 1 chordate from each of the 8 Classes.

17 24 17 5.List 3 reasons annelids are helpful. 6.What is the function of the crop? 7.Draw an annelid 1.List the 4 features share by every chordate. 2.List 2 chordates that are non-vertebrates. 3.List the 6 chordates that are vertebrates.

18 18 23 1.What does Mollusca mean? 2.Some mollusks have 1shell. Name & draw an example. 3.Some mollusks have 2shells.Name & draw an example. 4.Some mollusks have a small internal shell or no shell at all. Name & draw an example of each. 5.Draw & name 5 animals from this phylum.

19 22 19 5.Describe the variety of ways that mollusks reproduce. 6.Define radula and explain what is the function of this part. 7.What type of circulatory system is found in this phylum? 8.Describe the different ways mollusks move. 1.What does Echinoderm mean? 2.Define endoskeleton. 3.What type of symmetry is common in this phylum? 4.What is a water vascular system? List 4 things echinoderms do with this system.

20 20 21 1.List 3 features of this phylum. 2.What type of circulatory system is found in arthropods? 3.Describe how terrestrial arthropods breathe. 4.Define exoskeleton. 5.Define molting. 6.Illustrate & name 4 animals from this phylum. 7.What is the function of the crop?

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