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Economia de Desenvolvimento Agrário (Rural) Lecture notes 18 February 2008.

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1 Economia de Desenvolvimento Agrário (Rural) Lecture notes 18 February 2008

2 My co-ordinates My new Web Site: I will try to up-load lecture notes etc onto my Web Site. 82 39 62 600

3 Major textbook Todaro, Michael P. and Smith, Stephen C. It is a big book with lots of useful references For students visit:

4 Perhaps a book – case studies with an important bearing on policy making and economic analysis Theoretical Framework Wasting Water. Peru 1979 and Swaziland 1998, the same sad story Vested Interests in Action. Two Multinational Companies in Argentina 1985 Using Scarce Resources Better. Mission Impossible? The Choice of Technology Revisited

5 To be highlighted Millenium Goals: P. 24 For Mozambique: Z&cd=508 Z&cd=508 Multitude of classification schemes of countries – perhaps most widely used is the IBRD –Low income countries – LICs –Lower-middle-income-countries – LMCs –Upper-middle-income-countries – UMCs –High-income-OECD countries –Other-high income countries

6 What is development? GDP, GNI, GNP etc – most would agree that these indices are inadequate. PPI (Purchasing Power Parity –Big Mac Index Distributional aspects

7 Global Income disparity Ratio of Income Shares of 20% Richest to 20 Poorest 196030to1 197032to1 198045to1 199161to1 200170to1 Source: Todaro and Smith, p. 54


9 Mozambique 1997-2003 (WB) Labour employment growth >10% per year in: –Services –Trade –Construction –Education

10 Human Development Index HDI Todaro and Smith, pp. 59-64 And Excel file


12 From on-going MA research If you would visit a peasant family and ask them about the sources of their income, what do you think would be the answer? 1.Less than 20% originates from non-farm activities? 2.Between 20 and 30%? 3.Between 30 and 40%? 4.More than 40%?


14 2001/022004/05 Total gross hh income11 206.313 094.8 Wages1 570.52 101.3 Self-employment3 460.84 167.4 Remittances 502.7 552.8 Total non-farm income5 534.06 821.5 Land renting 5.2 1.4 Livestock 276.9 274.1 Crop5 390.25 997.8 Total farm income5 672.36 273.3 non-farm as % of total49.4%52.1%

15 Some questions Is the research relevant for Mozambique? Does it have policy implications? Is it researchable? What else

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