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Finger Maze Basic Rules: 1. Stay with in margin of graph paper, except for start and finish. 2. At no time should any part of the maze touch another part.

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Presentation on theme: "Finger Maze Basic Rules: 1. Stay with in margin of graph paper, except for start and finish. 2. At no time should any part of the maze touch another part."— Presentation transcript:

1 Finger Maze Basic Rules: 1. Stay with in margin of graph paper, except for start and finish. 2. At no time should any part of the maze touch another part of the maze. 3. No Center Islands 4. Maze Width must ALWAYS be 3 squares wide!

2 Step 1: Have a blank graph paper The grid lines will act as your guide in creating your finger maze. Your pathway must always be 3 grid blocks wide. Your start should be on the left side and finish on the right side of your paper

3 Step 2: Draw out your maze 1.Stay with in margin of graph paper, except for start and finish. 2. At no time should any part of the maze touch another part of the maze. 3. No Center Islands 4. Maze Width must ALWAYS be 3 squares wide!

4 Step 3: Color Maze Outline Neatly color your maze outline. This is done to clearly see that you have a 3 grid square wide path with no touching walls and no loops. This also makes it easier to cut out.

5 Step 4: Cut out maze blue print Carefully and neatly cut out your colored maze. Carefully and neatly cut out your colored maze. DO NOT cut the maze but only the outline. DO NOT cut the maze but only the outline. Neatly staple/tape maze to the center of a 8 x 11 piece of colored construction paper Neatly staple/tape maze to the center of a 8 x 11 piece of colored construction paper Carefully trace your maze extending the start and finish points to the end of the paper Carefully trace your maze extending the start and finish points to the end of the paper

6 Step 5. Tear off grid paper When you tear off your grid paper you should see the outline path of your maze When you tear off your grid paper you should see the outline path of your maze If you missed any spots use a ruler and finish the lines. If you missed any spots use a ruler and finish the lines. You are now going to carefully cut out the boarder of your maze (this will act as the walls). You are now going to carefully cut out the boarder of your maze (this will act as the walls).

7 Step 6: Cut out boarder of maze Carefully cut out your maze. Carefully cut out your maze. You should NOT cut the outside parts at all… this will be the wall of your finished maze. You should NOT cut the outside parts at all… this will be the wall of your finished maze. Keep your two boarder pieces and dispose of your center piece. Keep your two boarder pieces and dispose of your center piece.

8 Step 7: Place boarders onto large construction paper Take a large piece of construction color (different color from your boarder) and fold in half. Take a large piece of construction color (different color from your boarder) and fold in half. On the lower half set your boarder of your maze to make sure you cut it out properly. On the lower half set your boarder of your maze to make sure you cut it out properly. Use a glue stick and carefully glue your boarder to the bottom half of your large folded construction paper (inside of fold). Use a glue stick and carefully glue your boarder to the bottom half of your large folded construction paper (inside of fold). Grab a data and observation sheet and glue it to the top inside part of your folded maze. Grab a data and observation sheet and glue it to the top inside part of your folded maze.

9 Step 8: Make an Eye Catching Cover Decorate the cover of your finger maze that expresses you as an artist and scientist. Decorate the cover of your finger maze that expresses you as an artist and scientist. Have your title relate to the project but still be fun and even a “play on words.” Have your title relate to the project but still be fun and even a “play on words.”

10 Step 9: Test your finger maze with your friends and family 1.PLACE the Finger Maze, cover down, in front of one of the students that is going to do your maze challenge. He or she will complete the maze first. Have the stopwatch set at zero seconds. You will be recording the person’s time it takes to go through the maze. 2.Have person doing the maze place their index finger at the starting position. When the timer says, “GO,” have the student with the maze close their eyes, open the maze cover, and proceed to navigate through the maze using only their sense of touch. When they are done QUICKLY CLOSE the cover preventing the person doing the maze from seeing the maze outline! 3.RECORD the time (in seconds) that it takes for the student to complete the maze in the table on the Finger Maze Data & Observation Sheet. ROUND the time to the nearest tenth (one place after the decimal). 4.Have the same student REPEAT steps 2 – 3 four more times. RECORD the completion time for each trial. 5.FOLLOW procedure Steps 1 through 4 so that each student in the group completes 5 trials of the finger maze. 6.RETURN the maze into the folder in the lab bin. RETURN the timer to the lab bin.


12 CONSTRUCT a line graph that compares thecompletion times for each trial. USE colored pencils, a ruler, & the following information 1. Graph Title: “Your Name’s” Finger Maze Graph 2. x-Axis Label: Trial Number (1-5) evenly spaced out 3. y-Axis Label: Completion Time (in seconds) evenly spaced out 4. Key: names and assigned color to each person 5. BE NEAT: neatness counts. 6. EXTRA CREDIT: Create a bar graph comparing the averages of each person’s completion of the finger maze. *See Sample Graph for Example* Step 10: Graph your results

13 Final Step: Glue rubric and graph onto backside of your finger maze.

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