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Unit III: Chapter 6 Sections 1 & 2.  The industrial boom can be attributed to 3 main factors  1.) A wealth of natural resources  2.) Government support.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit III: Chapter 6 Sections 1 & 2.  The industrial boom can be attributed to 3 main factors  1.) A wealth of natural resources  2.) Government support."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit III: Chapter 6 Sections 1 & 2

2  The industrial boom can be attributed to 3 main factors  1.) A wealth of natural resources  2.) Government support for business  3.) Growing urban population that provided…  A.) cheap labor  B.) markets for new products

3  1859: Edwin L. Drake uses a steam engine to successfully drill for oil beneath the ground.  Transform oil to kerosene (gas a byproduct)  Gas thrown out at first until the popularity of the car  1887: Mesabi Range in Minnesota discovered as a rich source of iron ore.  Bessemer Process- carbon removed from iron to make a rust resistant, light weight, more flexible metal = steel  Steel- railroads, agriculture, bridges, skyscrapers


5  1880’s: Thomas Edison & George Westinghouse make electricity safe and less expensive.  1867: Christopher Sholes creates the typewriter.  1876: Alexander Graham Bell creates the telephone.  Home & work become much more productive.

6  Understanding the usefulness of the railroads, the U.S. Government will offer huge land grants and loans to RR companies to expand westward.  1869: Prof. C. F. Dowd creates 24 time zones to help keep trains on time (Cont. U.S. = 4 zones- Eastern, Central, Mountain & Pacific) {Congress won’t officially adopt it until 1918}

7  George Pullman- built a factory for sleeper cars on the Illinois prairie.  Built a nearby town for his workers that provided for almost all of the workers needs. (housing, doctors, shops, etc.)  Munn v. Illinois- Supreme Court upheld the Granger laws that were designed to establish max. freight & passenger rates.  * In 1886 the Supreme Court ruled a state could not set rates for trains that were interstate. (The Interstate Commerce Commission – 1887 is formed to oversee railroads.)

8 William Vanderbilt- straddling the track Jay Gould- bottom right Cyrus Fields- bottom left *These 3 railroad magnates will create a trust out of their railroads to dominate the industry. This cartoon is a pun on the Colossus of Rhodes- a protective statue erected in 282 B.C. 1. Does this artist mean this to be a compliment or a criticism? Why? 2. The reins are attached to the trains, the station and the tracks. What does this convey about their control of the railroads?

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