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15 th -16 th Centuries.  Understand and identify the general characteristics of the new monarchs and the shift from previous political systems.

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Presentation on theme: "15 th -16 th Centuries.  Understand and identify the general characteristics of the new monarchs and the shift from previous political systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 15 th -16 th Centuries

2  Understand and identify the general characteristics of the new monarchs and the shift from previous political systems.

3  England: Henry VII  France: Louis XI, Francis I  Spain: Ferdinand & Isabella  Holy Roman Empire: Charles V

4  Provided order  Civil peace imposed on violent and chaotic societies  Monarchy offered as a guarantee of law and order  Universal Nature  Hereditary monarchy  Monarchs referred to themselves as “sovereign”  Competed for power with nobility/local princes  Destruction of feudal or common law  Enlisted support of growing middle class

5  Use of Roman law  Welfare of the people is the highest law (salus populi suprema lex)  Kings could make and enact law by their own authority: what pleases the prince has the force of law (quod principi legis habet vigorem)  Roman law was used in New Monarchies on mainland Europe, but not in England where the English continued to use traditional common law  Expanded government bureaucracies  Established efficient systems of taxation to raise money for the crown  Expanded government agencies to carry out royal laws  Encouraged a sense of national identity  Established national militaries loyal to the monarchy

6  Working in small groups, answer the questions on the Google Presentation for your assigned monarch.  Use complete sentences for your answers, clearly rephrasing the question.  Delete the question when you are finished answering it.  USE ONLY THE SOURCES ON GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR YOUR RESEARCH—we want you to practice using these valuable websites  Submit your presentation when complete

7  SSR  New Monarchs Review  No test Wednesday. We are pushing it back.

8  Clear your desk of everything but your book, reading log, reading journal, and a pen or pencil.

9  Answer the question, how did these new monarchs present a new political system in Western Europe?

10  1 st king in the line of Tudors

11  How did he provide order?  Established alliances  Kicked the English out of Normandy  Brought order to the kingdom by ruling without the estates general

12  Part of the Valois Dynasty

13  Competed for power with nobility:  Disbanded the League of Public Weal in return for minor concessions—land rights  National Militaries:  Disbanded infantry, hired Swiss mercenaries instead

14  Peace/order: Patron of the arts, well-educated; already established to some degree  Also a member of the Valois Dynasty  Use of Roman law:  Required the Roman Catholic Church to record births, marriages, and deaths  National Identity: Gov’t started speaking French

15  Isabella and Ferdinand kept their kingdoms separate politically but ruled them together  Joanna of Castile a.k.a. Joanna the Mad  Charles V: Holy Roman Emperor and the King of Spain

16  Weak and decentralized  Diverse politically. Made up of:  Hereditary dynasties, ecclesiastic states, imperial free cities, nobles/knights who owned property and paid allegiance to the emperor  Holy Roman Emperor: elected by 7 electors  Maximilian I used administrative “circles” and created an Imperial Council

17  War with the Ottoman Empire: Turks threatened to take over central Europe  War with France: France sought to keep the Holy Roman Empire weak and disunited  Charles V was part of the Spanish dynasty (grandson of Ferdinand and Isabella)  Protestant Reformation: further divided the empire politically and religiously  Raised taxes to pay off war debts  Military busy fighting in Ottoman Empire and France

18  Using the information from the New Monarchs graphic organizer, create a thesis statement with your table partner answer the question: How did these new monarchs present a new political system in Western Europe?  Remember to restate the question, give at least three categories, and include a warrant.  Pick three general characteristics you feel you have the most evidence for.  Individually, using evidence from the graphic organizer, write a paragraph in which you support your thesis, using clear examples. This will be turned in to Google Classroom. This should be 10-15 sentences.

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