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Preparatory Meeting for the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities Organization of American States -

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Presentation on theme: "Preparatory Meeting for the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities Organization of American States -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Preparatory Meeting for the Third Inter-American Meeting of Ministers of Culture and Highest Appropriate Authorities Organization of American States - Department of Education and Culture The Culture Ministerial process in the framework of the Organization of American States: decisions and accomplishments Lenore Yaffee García Director, Department of Education and Culture Organization of American States August 17, 2006 - Washington, D.C.

2 Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Culture and the Summits of the Americas Process SUMMITS OF THE AMERICAS MINISTERIAL MEETINGS ON CULTURE INTER-AMERICAN COMMITTEE ON CULTURE (CIC) CIC Authorities Set hemispheric priorities and mandates Provide opportunities for policy dialogue and decisions Follow up on Summit and Ministerial mandates Follow up on Summit and Ministerial mandates Infuse technical knowledge Infuse technical knowledge Help translate the informed dialogue into concrete cooperation strategies, with the assistance of the OAS Technical Secretariat. Help translate the informed dialogue into concrete cooperation strategies, with the assistance of the OAS Technical Secretariat. Fosters political dialogue, serves as Technical Secretariat

3 1994 Culture and the Summit of the Americas Process Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States 19951996199719981999 I Summit of the Americas – Miami “We recognize the heterogeneity and diversity of our resources and cultures” “We can advance our shared interests and values by building strong partnerships” II Summit of the Americas – Santiago, Chile “…in its broadest sense, a process of integration based on respect for cultural identities will make it possible to shape a common, interwoven set of values and interests that helps us in these objectives” 2000

4 2001 Culture and the Summit of the Americas Process Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States 200220032004 III Summit of the Americas – Quebec “The cultural diversity that characterizes our region is a source of great richness for our societies. Respect for and value of our diversity must be a cohesive factor ” Plan of Action calls for convening the First Ministerial Meeting in Culture in the framework of the OAS/CIDI Special Summit of the Americas -Monterrey Reaffirming what was agreed upon at the III Summit “.. the cultural development and social cohesion of our countries is enhanced through respect and appreciation for our cultural diversity.” I Ministerial Meeting – Cartagena Cultural diversity, creation of the Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) II Ministerial Meeting – Mexico Culture’s contribution to economic development and growth I CIC Meeting – Mexico - Elects Authorities - First Work Plan - Inter-American Observatory of Cultural Policies

5 Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States 2005 Culture and the Summit of the Americas Process Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States 2006 IV Summit of the Americas – Mar del Plata “we (governments)… recognize the important link between development and culture and agree that support for culture in its many dimensions contributes to, among other things, the preservation and protection of national heritage, the enhancement of the dignity and identity of our people, the creation of decent jobs, and the overcoming of poverty”. Third Ministerial of Culture – Montreal, November 2006 Four priority themes derived from the IV Summit: (i)Preservation and protection of cultural heritage (ii)Culture and the creation of decent jobs and overcoming poverty (iii)Culture and the enhancement of dignity and identity (iv)Culture and the role of indigenous peoples II CIC Meeting– Washington - New Authorities 2005- 2007 - Chair: Canada; Vice Chairs: Brazil, Guatemala, Jamaica and the United States - 2005-2007 Work Plan framed by the priorities for culture in the IV Summit Special CIC Meeting – Washington, March 2006 Presentation of project proposals and approval of 2005-2007 CIC Work Plan New format for the Third Ministerial

6 Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Permanent body made up of one representative designated by the culture Ministry or equivalent in each member state. Responsible for: Serving as a forum for the inter-American dialogue on culture Following-up on and promoting the Summit and Ministerial mandates and agreements Designing and overseeing cooperation on cultural matters in the inter-American framework, including implementation of an Inter-American Program of Culture Facilitates sharing of information and best practices to promote sound policy making Examines ways to provide technical assistance, identify resources and partners for member states

7 Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) AUTHORITIES (Elected for two years on August 2005) CHAIRCanada VICE-CHAIRSBrazil, Guatemala, Jamaica & the United States TECHNICAL SECRETARIAT: OAS Department of Education and Culture CIC MEETINGS Every two years Second CIC Meeting, August 2005. To consider the CIC Work Plan in light of the mandates from the Second Ministerial of Culture held in Mexico in 2004 Special CIC Meeting, March 2006. To approve the revised CIC Work Plan presented by the CIC Authorities and to discuss the proposal for the Third Ministerial of Culture. AUTHORITIES PLANNING MEETINGS Constant communication with the OAS Secretariat and periodic meetings to plan and follow up on the implementation of the CIC Work Plan and to plan for the Ministerial and CIC meetings (during 2006: January 9-10, March 27 and June 27) THESE MEETINGS HAVE BROUGHT GREATER CONTINUITY TO CIC ACTIONS

8 Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Inter-American Committee on Culture (CIC) CIC Web page CIC & Authorities Virtual Forum

9 CIC Work Plan, main mechanisms of action Political dialogue Summits, Ministerial, CIC CooperationHorizontal Cooperation Knowledge-sharing activities Workshops / Seminars Organized with member-country supportOrganized with member-country support In collaboration and coordination with other offices of the OAS (Human Development Fund) and international organizations (Convenio Andres Bello, UNESCO, Organization of Ibero-American States, etc.)In collaboration and coordination with other offices of the OAS (Human Development Fund) and international organizations (Convenio Andres Bello, UNESCO, Organization of Ibero-American States, etc.) With Funds from OAS member States, the OAS (Subfund for Culture, Scholarships Office) and other international organizations (Convenio Andres Bello).With Funds from OAS member States, the OAS (Subfund for Culture, Scholarships Office) and other international organizations (Convenio Andres Bello). Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States

10 Knowledge sharing workshops: Portfolio of Consolidated Programs in Culture Countries identify their successful and “cutting edge” programs taking into account… Criteria: Sustainability (more than 5 years) Effectiveness (evaluations) Adaptability (flexibility to be shared and adapted to other environments) Generated useful materials (reports, lessons plans, training courses) Innovation (“cutting edge”) Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States

11 Knowledge sharing workshops: Portfolio of Consolidated Programs in Culture Examples of Workshops: - Community based cultural preservation (Mexico, Sept. 2005) - Shared Mexico’s experience with its “Proyectos Integrales de Conservación del Patrimonio” program - Participants from 10 countries selected through a competitive selection process - Cultural Information Systems (Trinidad, March 2006; Mexico July 2006 and Chile, September 2006) - Shared through sub regional workshops the experiences of Canada, Mexico and Chile in the development and maintenance of their Cultural Information Systems - Agendas in each of the Workshops included the participation of sub regional and international organizations such as CARICOM, Convenio Andres Bello, UNESCO, OEI, etc. - Participation of representatives from most of the countries in each sub region - Need to program follow up activities Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States

12 Knowledge-sharing workshops: Portfolio of Consolidated Programs in Culture Resources: - OAS Reserve Subfund in Culture - A one-time contribution (seed funds). US$190,000 - All resources have been expended or are committed in support of CIC- programmed activities. - OAS member State support and leadership - 2004-2006: Canada, Mexico, Chile, Trinidad & Tobago, etc. - Other international organizations and OAS Departments - Convenio Andres Bello, OAS Department of Education and Culture, Fund for Human Development, Department for Development Programs and Policies Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States

13 Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States Road ahead: Third Ministerial of Culture Four main topics derived from the Declaration of Mar del Plata (IV Summit of the Americas) Preservation and protection of cultural heritage Culture and the creation of decent jobs and overcoming poverty Culture and the enhancement of dignity and identity Culture and the role of indigenous peoples Planned outcomes: Ministerial Summary Report List of Priority Activities to develop the Ministerial priorities and guide the CIC as it implements the 2006-2008 Work Plan

14 Summary: Inter-American Cooperation in Culture “ The Member States, inspired by the principles of inter­American solidarity and cooperation, pledge themselves to a united effort to ensure international social justice in their relations and integral development for their peoples, as conditions essential to peace and security. Integral development encompasses the economic, social, educational, cultural, scientific, and technological fields through which the goals that each country sets for accomplishing it should be achieved”. OAS Charter, Article 30 Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States

15 THANK YOU! Department of Education and Culture Organization of American States Department of Education and CultureOrganization of American States

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