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The Future of Digital Fundraising Sarah Whitley and Simon Rydings September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Digital Fundraising Sarah Whitley and Simon Rydings September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Digital Fundraising Sarah Whitley and Simon Rydings September 2014

2 So what IS the Future of Digital Fundraising? So what DO we know? User Generated Content Managing a dialogue with multiple audiences Case studies What are we planning in the future? Takeaways Questions What we’ll cover

3 Holograms? Robot fundraisers? Tele-porting? So what IS the Future of Digital Fundraising?

4 So what DO we know?






10 Case study: Twitrelief 2011

11 Case Study: YouTube Boy band 2014

12 UGC ALS income over $100m from 29 th July to 29 th August Same period in 2013 income was $2.8m 56% of Britains who took part did NOT donate money to charity 53% could not name the cause 11% felt pressured into it

13 Creating a dialogue with multiple audiences Cause Corporate partners RetailersAdvocates Donors

14 Planning – what’s on our whiteboard

15 Takeaways

16 Keep the message simple

17 Tell a story

18 Focus on ease of payment

19 Know your objectives

20 Find your influencers

21 Go to fans where they are

22 Thank you for listening. Any questions?

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