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Chapter 16 ~ Lessons 1 & 2 Judah struggled to remain faithful to God  King Rehoboam and King Abijah permitted the worship of false gods.  Asa, the next.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16 ~ Lessons 1 & 2 Judah struggled to remain faithful to God  King Rehoboam and King Abijah permitted the worship of false gods.  Asa, the next."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16 ~ Lessons 1 & 2 Judah struggled to remain faithful to God  King Rehoboam and King Abijah permitted the worship of false gods.  Asa, the next king, and his son, Jehoshaphat reversed that, and only allowed the worship of the one True God.  King Uzziah restored prosperity to Judah as in the days of Solomon.

2 Chapter 16 ~ Lessons 1 & 2 The Assyrians threatened the peace of Israel  The king of Israel and Syria invited the king of Judah to join their allegiance against the Assyrians.  When the king of Judah refused, there was a threat of war with Israel and Syria.  The next King of Judah, Ahaz, fearing an invasion from Israel, sought protection from the Assyrians.  The Assyrian armies defeated Israel and Syria, and Judah had to pledge allegiance to Assyria.  The Assyrians forced the people of Judah to worship false gods.

3 Chapter 16 ~ Lessons 1 & 2 God sends the prophet Isaiah  Isaiah spoke out against idolatry.  Isaiah was an advisor of King Ahaz.  The prophet warned that the people would suffer because of the Assyrians and that they would lose their freedom.  King Ahaz refused to listen to Isaiah, but his successor Hezekiah did listen.  Hezekiah was able to keep the people of Judah faithful to the worship of the one True God.  Isaiah told Judah that God, in his mercy would spare a remnant of the people.  A remnant is a small piece left over from something larger.

4 Chapter 16 ~ Lessons 1 & 2 Micah was another prophet who preached in Judah  His messages are recorded in the Old Testament’s Book of Micah.  Micah began his work around the time if Isaiah.  He spoke out against false prophets, who only wanted to become popular with the people by telling them only what they wanted to hear.  Micah was angered by the sinful acts of God’s people.  He saw the terrible effects of sin at work in both the northern and southern kingdoms.  He warned of the eventual destruction of both kingdoms.

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