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NOAA/NESDIS support of ESA’s ADM/Aeolus mission Lars Peter Riishojgaard Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation.

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Presentation on theme: "NOAA/NESDIS support of ESA’s ADM/Aeolus mission Lars Peter Riishojgaard Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation."— Presentation transcript:

1 NOAA/NESDIS support of ESA’s ADM/Aeolus mission Lars Peter Riishojgaard Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation

2 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 Overview ADM/Aeolus –Mission highlights –NWP relevance –Data policy –Baseline ground segment –US role 2

3 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 ADM highlights Tech demo mission to be launched in 2011 First space-borne demonstration of wind lidar measurement Potentially a large contributor to NWP skill –Currently, the Global Observing System is dominated by mass (temperature) measurement –No direct, vertically resolved wind measurement available over uninhabited regions 3

4 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 ADM-Aeolus Doppler Wind Lidar Cross-track HLOS winds  HLOS (z) = 2-3 m/s Profiles 0–30 km@0.5-2 km Once every 200 km length Aerosol and molecular measurement channel Dawn-dusk polar-orbiter Launch date June 2011 (Stoffelen et al., BAMS, 2005) Slide from A. Stoffelen, KNMI 4

5 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 Current Upper Air Mass & Wind Data Coverage for operational NWP Upper Air Mass Observations Upper Air Wind Observations 5

6 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 6

7 ADM data policy ADM/Aeolus is an R&D mission, but … due to the value of these observations to NWP, ESA and WMO are making ADM part of the WMO Global Observing System Unprecedented step for ESA Data will be made available to the WMO member NMHS’s in “real time” Disseminated via the GTS 7

8 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 Baseline ground segment Single receiving station at Svalbard –Full orbital dumps; 50 Mb of science data per orbit –110 s total visibility required for one orbit 30 s for antenna locking 80 s for data dump Any additional data may require additional time (e.g. QRT or stored orbits) 8

9 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 NRT stream –Near Real Time, defined as data (level 1B) having latency of 3 h or less for the end user –NRT is targeted for global NWP and should in principle be available for all orbits –Low ADM orbit height => blind orbits in spite of high latitude of Svalbard –WMO requirement for global NWP is 1 h 9

10 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 QRT stream Quasi Real Time data targeted at regional NWP and other applications –Latency of 30 min or less –Assuming 20 (or 15) minutes total processing time, the QRT stream will consist of the last 10 (or 15) minutes of the orbit dumped either at the beginning of the pass (“AEAP”) or at the end of the pass (“ALAP”) –No Southern Hemisphere QRT data in Svalbard only scenario 10

11 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 QRT “AEAP” Scenario using Svalbard and Troll, assuming 15 (red+blue) or 20 minutes (blue) total processing time (all figures courtesy of H. Nett, ESA/ESTEC) 11

12 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 QRT (II) QRT availability for Europe is guaranteed under combined Troll/Svalbard scenario QRT will not be available for North America under this scenario However, a receiving station at Troll now appears unlikely due to financial constraints On request from LPR, ESA has studied implications of adding either Wallops or Svalbard as additional ground receiving stations 12

13 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 ADM pass duration at Svalbard (red) and Fairbanks (green) 13

14 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 ADM pass duration (elevation > 2 deg) at Svalbard (red) and Wallops (blue) 14

15 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 ADM pass duration (elevation > 1 deg) at Svalbard (red) and Wallops (blue) 15

16 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 QRT “AEAP” Scenario using Svalbard and Wallops, assuming 15 (red+blue) or 20 minutes (blue) total processing time 16

17 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 QRT (III) Fairbanks adds relatively little to QRT scenario; sees basically the same orbits as Svalbard; adds robustness for NRT stream Due to near-perfect longitude, Wallops is a useful addition in spite of the low latitude Assuming 1 deg minimum elevation angle, Northern Hemisphere QRT will be available for all orbits under Svalbard/Wallops scenario 17

18 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 US involvement NOAA/NESDIS owns suitable antennas at Wallops Island; currently not fully utilized Dedicating an antenna to ADM as a secondary receiving station for a few (<6) orbits per day, 2-3 minutes per orbit would accomplish the following –Guarantee QRT (< 30 min latency) for eastern North America –Add robustness and reliability of global NRT data 18

19 LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 Recent development Kathy Kelly, NOAA/NESDIS briefed by LPR and WB on May 15, 2009 –Kelly has verified technical feasibility with OSO staff; cost not seen as a major issue –Subject brought to the attention of the NESDIS AA who expressed support COPC (Committee for Operational Processing Centers) briefed by LPR on October 22, 2009 –Formal request for NOAA ground support for ADM being submitted to NESDIS by COPC Principals 19

20 Current status Technical requirements being investigated by NESDIS/OSO (Amburgey) –Antennas, hardware, software, data transmission options, … MoU for ground support being drafted by NESDIS/OSD (Yoe) Opportunity for broader NOAA involvement in ADM and other wind lidar activities? (LPR, MH) LWG Meeting, Destin 02/01/2010 20

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