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Securing a Tobacco-Free Generation Councillor Joyce Bosnjak.

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Presentation on theme: "Securing a Tobacco-Free Generation Councillor Joyce Bosnjak."— Presentation transcript:

1 Securing a Tobacco-Free Generation Councillor Joyce Bosnjak

2 Securing a Tobacco-Free Generation John Tomlinson

3 What’s the problem?

4 Public Health Enemy No. 1 Prevalence 17.5% (Range 10.2%-22.6%) Smoking in Pregnancy 16% (Mansfield & Ashfield 24.2%, England 11.4%) Life Expectancy Gap 8-9 years (1/2 due to be Tobacco)

5 Why are we bothered?

6 Smoking is the Greatest Cause of Premature Death

7 Costs to Society * 15/day at a cost of £7.34 for a packet of 20 cigarettes

8 Why Start Smoking? Parents Peers Cultural norms Available/Accessible Why continue Smoking? Price/affordable Cultural norms Ease 70% smokers want to stop 98% children want parents to stop

9 How can we work together to secure a tobacco-free generation?

10 Nottinghamshire County & Nottingham City Declaration on Tobacco Control A commitment to take action Partnership working essential Altering what is seen as ‘the norm’- The more organisations that sign up the more cultural change we will get Full Council/Cross party support - County & City- All districts & CCGs

11 Tobacco Declaration Supportive nudge via employers - staff and service users Phased menu approach Help:  Online toolkit  Sharing example actions and learning e.g. through workshops, virtual groups  Tobacco team contacts

12 After Today Has your organisation signed the TD?  If not, how can you ensure sign up?  If so, what’s in your action plan?  How can you contribute? What actions from today’s workshops can you take back to your organisation?

13 This afternoon… 4 different workshops 20 minutes each (inc 5 mins for Q’s) Take home actions Follow up notes and presentations will be sent out after the event PLEASE COMPLETE THE EVALUATION FORM IN YOUR DELEGATE PACK

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