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Published byPreston McCormick Modified over 9 years ago
27 Oct 2004 17th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft 17th ALICE RRB Collaboration Status Project Status Integration, large structures Detectors (selection) Planning, Milestones CERN-RRB-2004-144
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 2 5 New Institutes New Institutes: Univ. Science & Technology Wuhan (HUST) (China) PHOS electronics New Associate Institutes: BARC, Mumbai (India) PMD electronics Universities of Hiroshima, Tokyo, Tsukuba (Japan) TRD, PHOS Ongoing contacts Turkey, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Korea …
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 3 Organisation & News Elections September 2004 CB chair: L. Riccati (INFN Torino) re-elected for 3 years Deputy CB-chair: H. Boggild (NBI Copenhagen) elected for 3 years Deputy Spokesperson: H. A. Gustafsson (U. Lund): Jan 2005 – Mar 2006 P. Giubellino (INFN Torino): Oct 2005 – Mar 2006 Election for 4 MB members in Spring 2005 New Physics Board structure increased weight on physics & analysis, get prepared for data ALICE Industrial awards 2004 Fischer, Austria: TPC Field cage, TRD readout panels North Crystal, Apatity, Russia: PbW04 crystals ATM, China: Tungsten absorber parts Trigger/DAQ/Controls TDR approved May 2004 Forward detector TDR submittedSept. 2004
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 4 Funding Issues US participation ~ 10 M$: EMCAL for jet physics NSAC sub committee on US heavy ion program (GSI/RHIC/LHC) final report October 2004 with positive recommendation for LHC proposals exist from ALICE, Atlas and CMS Japan & China Japanese participation (~ 10 M$): TRD, PHOS proposal not funded in 2004, may be resubmitted end 2004 Chinese participation (~ 3 MSF): PHOS proposal now to be submitted to MoST & MoE (no longer NSFC) Consequences for PHOS with the resources available we will be able to built only 3 modules 1 ready for installation in 2006/2007/2008 each.. The LHC will open up a new regime in relativistic heavy-ion physics with significant opportunities for new discoveries. The Subcommittee recommends that: Participation at the LHC should become a new component of the U.S. Heavy-Ion program. This participation should receive comparable investment priority with each of the near-term upgrade programs for the two large RHIC detectors.
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 5 Funding Issues M&O contributions Poland has not signed the M&O MoU, outstanding bill ~ 72 kCHF signing the M&O MoU seems however to be under consideration CORE construction funds The Polish Institutes have been informed that only 50% of the requested CORE funds will be available starting this year (2004): Total CORE contribution: 450 k (PHOS), 450 k (TPC), 100 k (CF) delivered 1997 – 2003:180 k150 k 82 k request 2004: 90 k 90 k 18 k request 2005: 50 k153 k 15 k Situation seems to be similar in the other LHC experiments Situation to be discussed between LHC expts, CERN Management & Funding Agency
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 6 ALICE Detector TPC PHOS Muon arm TOF TRD HMPID PMD ITS ACCORDE
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 7 Installation, Large Structures Main installation crane was out of service for 3 months major disruption to installation activities impact minimized using mobile cranes and re-scheduling of activities worry: all cranes show signs of instability (20 years old, now full in use) Space frame load tests and installation tests proceeding dummy TRD and TOF modules inserted successfully (after some error corrections !) first load tests & deformation measurements done pre-commissioning takes longer than foreseen, but is vital to correct errors ! Muon arm foundation finished Muon Magnet: Coils were inserted proved to be much more difficult and time consuming than foreseen installation in final position: delayed to early 2005 (still not on critical path) power test: end October Muon absorber assembly under way one section finished, remaining two in progress
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 8 Mobile Crane
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 9 Muon Absorber
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 10 Muon Magnet
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 11 Silicon Pixel Detector SPD assembly sites operational electronic wafer probing on schedule recent progress working preseries of all-Al/polyimide bus full DAQ chain incl. Router (ITS beam test Nov 04) bump bonding understood ≈ 20 good ladders, production started May 04 problems with production sensor wafers backside delamination (SiO2 passivation) process adjustment effort problems with MCM production supplier defaulted alternative supplier found, preseries delivered 10 Oct Status production to restart ≈ end October Action: look for means to further compress time of assembly, BUT NOW VERY TIGHT Half-stave with MCM on test board
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 12 Silicon Drift Detector SDD Mass production started on schedule detector production started in May ’04 (18/month) FEE production run started in July ’04 test chains ready at INFN Bologna & Rome mechanics & cooling on schedule Status successful beam test in Aug.’04 with final: detector, Upilex-Aluminum front-end hybrids and DAQ chain viable schedule, but tight & little contingency yield and speed of assembly to be verified Action: foresee double shifts for assemblies starting in 2005 Final SDD equipped with two final hybrids
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 13 Silicon Strip Detectors SSD Mass production status sensors: 1 company finished, 2 nd resumed production, 3 rd still problems FEE: all chips produced, HAL 25 shows good yield (> 90%) microcables and hybrids: financial problem in Ukraine solved, production ramping up Module assembly Helsinki site at full speed, Strasbourg and Mipot (Italy) pre-production stage Status viable schedule, but tight & little contingency search for additional production sites (Spain) so far without success
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 14TPC Field Cage: finished June 04 Readout Chambers: finished May 04 Electronics FEE card production to be completed this year decision on rad. tolerant components done System test of completely equipped ROC with full R/O chain including DCS, DAQ, HLT Planning Integration tests (ITS, Space Frame): delayed to 11-12 ’04 ROC installation: start early ’05 FEE installation: start May ’05 (on schedule) pre-commissioning (laser, cosmics): June ’05 – Feb. ’06 final installation: 5 ’06 (unchanged)
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 15 TPC TPC turning of TPV FC
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 16 TRD Chamber Production chambers: on track mass production ongoing (Heidelberg, JINR) started in Bucharest, ready to start at GSI Electronics: some problems and delays PASA production finished Digital chip: minor problem identified => needs mask change R/O board: functional, but excess noise => needs some optimisation Status tight schedule Bucharest JINR
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 17 TRD System Test TRD stack being prepared for system test of 6 chambers with complete readout chain for test beam (Oct.-Nov.) trigger via TTC system readout with DDL & DATE complete control via DCS board ROB DCS
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 18 Other Detector Systems HMPID: well on track 5 (of 7) modules completed, system integration & services very advanced ZDC: well on track 1st proton calorimeter done and tested Forward Detectors (V0, T0, FMD): TDR submitted Sept. V0/T0: FEE still to be finalized FMD: pre-production started, on track Muon chambers: on track tracking: ST1/2: 50% finished by end 2004, ST3/4/5: mass production ongoing trigger: FEE production finished, board production stated, chamber production ongoing PHOS: on (reduced) track Crystal production (Apatity): 7000 (of 18,000) accepted new FEE prototype tested: production was made very quickly by Chinese collaborators mechanics: production started TOF: on track final FEE validated in beam, mass production started HPTDC 2 nd production run: preliminary tests show good yield Trigger, DAQ, HLT, Control (DCS, ECS): TDR submitted Jan 2004 all systems progressing well and on schedule major integration test if ITS slice (SPD, SDD, SSD) in November with DAQ/DCS/ECS
Eugenio Nappi October 2004 19 HMPID CRADLE Delivery of the cradle to CERN (August 2004)
20 TOF SuperModule mock-up installationtion ! 17 June 2004 First ALICE subdetector installation test in the Space Frame
21 2 functions : -Pretrigger signals generation from FEAs OR signals to CTM - Slow control (monitor LV and temperature, set and monitor voltage thresholds of FEAs) TOF Local Trigger Module (LTM) (6-ch prototype) TOF New FEA card (3 NINO ASIC–24 ch) VHDCI Connector for Amphenol Skewclear cable 2 CHF
22 PHOS FEE cards (CERN, Wuhan, Oslo, Bergen, Kurchatov) conceptual d2sign: April/May 2004, working prototype: October 2004 1 st integrated R/O system test (FEE, RCU,DDL, DAQ,DCS) in October
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 23 RPC of the first production batch during installation at GIF for the June test with muon beam DIMUON ARM: Trigger RPC
24 ZDC Second neutron Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZN2) tested with In ions First proton ZDC (ZP1) built and tested with e, Integration of ZDC in the LHC in progress ZN2 ZP1 Linearity of ZN2 response as a function of the number of spectator nucleons in central collisions between In ions and Sn,Cu,,Al,C targets 63 Cu 27 Al 12 C 115 In beam 119 Sn
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 25 Forward detectors: V0/T0/FMD V0 Prototype FWHM = 94 ps T0 time resolution (~ world record ) FMD: Production of all 500 chips completed semi-commercial chip VA1-ALICE (IDEAS) First lab. tests: Noise: 185 e - => S/N=125 Good linearity
26 DAQ/Detector integration DATEDDL data gen. DDL readout MOOD Data quality monitoring SPD In progress SSD In progress SDD TPC TRD In progress TOF HMPID Muon PHOS ZDC FMD T0 V0
ALICE Physics Data Challenge ’04 Running continuously since February, entirely on the GRID Using 2 systems: LCG and AliEn as meta-grid Distributed production on over 30 centres with heterogeneous resources 500 jobs running in average, 1500 maximum Over 200TB network transfer 360K jobs, 1.6M physics events 40 TB of produced data: 30 on MSS (CERN and CNAF), 10 on over 20 remote disk SEs 9 Million entries in the AliEn file catalogue 700 MSi2K hours of CPU work = one 2.8 GHz PC working for 88 years. Phase 1+2: + FINISHED Phase 3 (analysis): STARTING
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 28 ALICE and the 50 th anniversary CERN open day permanent exhibition at point 2 for the public (non-experts) didactic posters, some detector exhibits, short films and computer animations will become part of the CERN visit tours copy may become ‘traveling exhibition’ temporary exhibition stands of several ALICE projects children’s corner with a set of small experiments big success also for adults ! some 2000 visitors, most could actually go underground events for the ‘local population’ 2 weeks exhibition in St. Genis cultural center didactic posters, photographs of detectors & people, working ACORDE module,... special event on open day for local population scientific talk and very lively discussion visit to point 2 some 300 people took part !
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 29 Milestones Situation remains very tight: Not loosing further ground, but not (yet) catching up delays not (yet) critical: Muon magnet & chambers, large structures critical path items: ITS in general, SPD in particular; TRD actions to recuperate delays have been identified revised schedule to be discussed with LHCC in March (CR5) to be coordinated with machine progress (news expected early 2005) LHCC Milestones September 2004
28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 30 Summary Collaboration major decisions outstanding (US, Japan, China) Funding major uncertainty : PHOS, TRD: awaiting decisions in China & Japan not funded: 40% of TRD, 2 PHOS modules, EmCal (new, USA) Detector construction major problems solved: SPD: bump bonding now with good yield on larger series TOF: HPTDC yield in 2 nd production ok core software manpower: secured additional help for next ~ 2-3 years major problems remaining: SPD: sensor wafer delamination, MCM supply, VERY TIGHT SCHEDULE for ITS TRD: delay in FEE (redesign of masks and board) core software manpower: stability of CORE staff at CERN: discussions ongoing
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