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27 Oct 2004 17th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft 17th ALICE RRB Collaboration Status Project Status  Integration, large structures  Detectors (selection)  Planning,

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Presentation on theme: "27 Oct 2004 17th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft 17th ALICE RRB Collaboration Status Project Status  Integration, large structures  Detectors (selection)  Planning,"— Presentation transcript:

1 27 Oct 2004 17th ALICE RRB J. Schukraft 17th ALICE RRB Collaboration Status Project Status  Integration, large structures  Detectors (selection)  Planning, Milestones CERN-RRB-2004-144

2 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 2 5 New Institutes New Institutes:  Univ. Science & Technology Wuhan (HUST) (China)  PHOS electronics New Associate Institutes:  BARC, Mumbai (India)  PMD electronics  Universities of Hiroshima, Tokyo, Tsukuba (Japan)  TRD, PHOS Ongoing contacts  Turkey, Brazil, Spain, Pakistan, Korea …

3 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 3 Organisation & News Elections September 2004  CB chair: L. Riccati (INFN Torino) re-elected for 3 years  Deputy CB-chair: H. Boggild (NBI Copenhagen) elected for 3 years  Deputy Spokesperson:  H. A. Gustafsson (U. Lund): Jan 2005 – Mar 2006  P. Giubellino (INFN Torino): Oct 2005 – Mar 2006  Election for 4 MB members in Spring 2005 New Physics Board structure  increased weight on physics & analysis, get prepared for data ALICE Industrial awards 2004  Fischer, Austria: TPC Field cage, TRD readout panels  North Crystal, Apatity, Russia: PbW04 crystals  ATM, China: Tungsten absorber parts Trigger/DAQ/Controls TDR approved May 2004 Forward detector TDR submittedSept. 2004

4 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 4 Funding Issues US participation ~ 10 M$: EMCAL for jet physics  NSAC sub committee on US heavy ion program (GSI/RHIC/LHC)  final report October 2004 with positive recommendation for LHC  proposals exist from ALICE, Atlas and CMS Japan & China  Japanese participation (~ 10 M$): TRD, PHOS  proposal not funded in 2004, may be resubmitted end 2004  Chinese participation (~ 3 MSF): PHOS  proposal now to be submitted to MoST & MoE (no longer NSFC)  Consequences for PHOS  with the resources available we will be able to built only 3 modules  1 ready for installation in 2006/2007/2008 each.. The LHC will open up a new regime in relativistic heavy-ion physics with significant opportunities for new discoveries. The Subcommittee recommends that: Participation at the LHC should become a new component of the U.S. Heavy-Ion program. This participation should receive comparable investment priority with each of the near-term upgrade programs for the two large RHIC detectors.

5 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 5 Funding Issues M&O contributions  Poland has not signed the M&O MoU, outstanding bill ~ 72 kCHF  signing the M&O MoU seems however to be under consideration CORE construction funds  The Polish Institutes have been informed that only 50% of the requested CORE funds will be available starting this year (2004):  Total CORE contribution: 450 k (PHOS), 450 k (TPC), 100 k (CF)  delivered 1997 – 2003:180 k150 k 82 k  request 2004: 90 k 90 k 18 k  request 2005: 50 k153 k 15 k Situation seems to be similar in the other LHC experiments  Situation to be discussed between LHC expts, CERN Management & Funding Agency

6 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 6 ALICE Detector TPC PHOS Muon arm TOF TRD HMPID PMD ITS ACCORDE

7 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 7 Installation, Large Structures Main installation crane was out of service for 3 months  major disruption to installation activities  impact minimized using mobile cranes and re-scheduling of activities  worry: all cranes show signs of instability (20 years old, now full in use) Space frame load tests and installation tests proceeding  dummy TRD and TOF modules inserted successfully (after some error corrections !)  first load tests & deformation measurements done  pre-commissioning takes longer than foreseen, but is vital to correct errors ! Muon arm foundation finished Muon Magnet: Coils were inserted  proved to be much more difficult and time consuming than foreseen  installation in final position: delayed to early 2005 (still not on critical path)  power test: end October Muon absorber assembly under way  one section finished, remaining two in progress

8 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 8 Mobile Crane

9 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 9 Muon Absorber

10 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 10 Muon Magnet

11 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 11 Silicon Pixel Detector SPD assembly sites operational electronic wafer probing on schedule recent progress  working preseries of all-Al/polyimide bus  full DAQ chain incl. Router (ITS beam test Nov 04) bump bonding understood  ≈ 20 good ladders, production started May 04 problems with production sensor wafers  backside delamination (SiO2 passivation)  process adjustment effort problems with MCM  production supplier defaulted  alternative supplier found, preseries delivered 10 Oct Status  production to restart ≈ end October  Action:  look for means to further compress time of assembly, BUT NOW VERY TIGHT Half-stave with MCM on test board

12 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 12 Silicon Drift Detector SDD Mass production started on schedule  detector production started in May ’04 (18/month)  FEE production run started in July ’04  test chains ready at INFN Bologna & Rome  mechanics & cooling on schedule Status  successful beam test in Aug.’04 with final: detector, Upilex-Aluminum front-end hybrids and DAQ chain  viable schedule, but tight & little contingency  yield and speed of assembly to be verified  Action:  foresee double shifts for assemblies starting in 2005 Final SDD equipped with two final hybrids

13 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 13 Silicon Strip Detectors SSD Mass production status  sensors: 1 company finished, 2 nd resumed production, 3 rd still problems  FEE: all chips produced, HAL 25 shows good yield (> 90%)  microcables and hybrids: financial problem in Ukraine solved, production ramping up Module assembly  Helsinki site at full speed, Strasbourg and Mipot (Italy) pre-production stage Status  viable schedule, but tight & little contingency  search for additional production sites (Spain) so far without success

14 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 14TPC Field Cage: finished June 04 Readout Chambers: finished May 04 Electronics  FEE card production to be completed this year  decision on rad. tolerant components done System test of completely equipped ROC  with full R/O chain including DCS, DAQ, HLT Planning  Integration tests (ITS, Space Frame): delayed to 11-12 ’04  ROC installation: start early ’05  FEE installation: start May ’05 (on schedule)  pre-commissioning (laser, cosmics): June ’05 – Feb. ’06  final installation: 5 ’06 (unchanged)

15 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 15 TPC TPC turning of TPV FC

16 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 16 TRD Chamber Production chambers: on track  mass production ongoing (Heidelberg, JINR)  started in Bucharest, ready to start at GSI Electronics: some problems and delays  PASA production finished  Digital chip: minor problem identified => needs mask change  R/O board: functional, but excess noise => needs some optimisation Status  tight schedule Bucharest JINR

17 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 17 TRD System Test TRD stack being prepared for system test of 6 chambers with complete readout chain for test beam (Oct.-Nov.)  trigger via TTC system  readout with DDL & DATE  complete control via DCS board ROB DCS

18 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 18 Other Detector Systems HMPID: well on track  5 (of 7) modules completed, system integration & services very advanced ZDC: well on track  1st proton calorimeter done and tested Forward Detectors (V0, T0, FMD): TDR submitted Sept.  V0/T0: FEE still to be finalized FMD: pre-production started, on track Muon chambers: on track  tracking: ST1/2: 50% finished by end 2004, ST3/4/5: mass production ongoing  trigger: FEE production finished, board production stated, chamber production ongoing PHOS: on (reduced) track  Crystal production (Apatity): 7000 (of 18,000) accepted  new FEE prototype tested: production was made very quickly by Chinese collaborators  mechanics: production started TOF: on track  final FEE validated in beam, mass production started  HPTDC 2 nd production run: preliminary tests show good yield Trigger, DAQ, HLT, Control (DCS, ECS): TDR submitted Jan 2004  all systems progressing well and on schedule  major integration test if ITS slice (SPD, SDD, SSD) in November with DAQ/DCS/ECS

19 Eugenio Nappi October 2004 19 HMPID CRADLE Delivery of the cradle to CERN (August 2004)

20 20 TOF SuperModule mock-up installationtion ! 17 June 2004 First ALICE subdetector installation test in the Space Frame

21 21 2 functions : -Pretrigger signals generation from FEAs OR signals to CTM - Slow control (monitor LV and temperature, set and monitor voltage thresholds of FEAs) TOF Local Trigger Module (LTM) (6-ch prototype) TOF New FEA card (3 NINO ASIC–24 ch) VHDCI Connector for Amphenol Skewclear cable 2 CHF

22 22 PHOS FEE cards (CERN, Wuhan, Oslo, Bergen, Kurchatov) conceptual d2sign: April/May 2004, working prototype: October 2004 1 st integrated R/O system test (FEE, RCU,DDL, DAQ,DCS) in October

23 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 23 RPC of the first production batch during installation at GIF for the June test with muon beam DIMUON ARM: Trigger RPC

24 24 ZDC Second neutron Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZN2) tested with In ions First proton ZDC (ZP1) built and tested with e,  Integration of ZDC in the LHC in progress ZN2 ZP1 Linearity of ZN2 response as a function of the number of spectator nucleons in central collisions between In ions and Sn,Cu,,Al,C targets 63 Cu 27 Al 12 C 115 In beam 119 Sn

25 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 25 Forward detectors: V0/T0/FMD V0 Prototype FWHM = 94 ps T0 time resolution (~ world record ) FMD: Production of all 500 chips completed semi-commercial chip VA1-ALICE (IDEAS) First lab. tests: Noise: 185 e - => S/N=125 Good linearity

26 26 DAQ/Detector integration DATEDDL data gen. DDL readout MOOD Data quality monitoring SPD  In progress SSD  In progress SDD  TPC  TRD  In progress TOF  HMPID  Muon  PHOS  ZDC FMD T0 V0

27 ALICE Physics Data Challenge ’04  Running continuously since February, entirely on the GRID  Using 2 systems: LCG and AliEn as meta-grid  Distributed production on over 30 centres with heterogeneous resources  500 jobs running in average, 1500 maximum  Over 200TB network transfer  360K jobs, 1.6M physics events  40 TB of produced data: 30 on MSS (CERN and CNAF), 10 on over 20 remote disk SEs  9 Million entries in the AliEn file catalogue  700 MSi2K hours of CPU work = one 2.8 GHz PC working for 88 years.  Phase 1+2: + FINISHED  Phase 3 (analysis): STARTING

28 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 28 ALICE and the 50 th anniversary CERN open day  permanent exhibition at point 2 for the public (non-experts)  didactic posters, some detector exhibits, short films and computer animations  will become part of the CERN visit tours  copy may become ‘traveling exhibition’  temporary exhibition stands of several ALICE projects  children’s corner with a set of small experiments  big success also for adults !  some 2000 visitors, most could actually go underground events for the ‘local population’  2 weeks exhibition in St. Genis cultural center  didactic posters, photographs of detectors & people, working ACORDE module,...  special event on open day for local population  scientific talk and very lively discussion  visit to point 2  some 300 people took part !

29 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 29 Milestones Situation remains very tight: Not loosing further ground, but not (yet) catching up  delays not (yet) critical: Muon magnet & chambers, large structures  critical path items: ITS in general, SPD in particular; TRD  actions to recuperate delays have been identified  revised schedule to be discussed with LHCC in March (CR5)  to be coordinated with machine progress (news expected early 2005) LHCC Milestones September 2004

30 28/4/2004 16th RRB J. Schukraft 30 Summary Collaboration  major decisions outstanding (US, Japan, China) Funding  major uncertainty :  PHOS, TRD: awaiting decisions in China & Japan  not funded:  40% of TRD, 2 PHOS modules, EmCal (new, USA) Detector construction  major problems solved:  SPD: bump bonding now with good yield on larger series  TOF: HPTDC yield in 2 nd production ok  core software manpower: secured additional help for next ~ 2-3 years  major problems remaining:  SPD: sensor wafer delamination, MCM supply, VERY TIGHT SCHEDULE for ITS  TRD: delay in FEE (redesign of masks and board)  core software manpower: stability of CORE staff at CERN: discussions ongoing

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