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Gateway Biology Content Review Ecological Changes.

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1 Gateway Biology Content Review Ecological Changes

2 Important Ecological Terms  Competition –Two or more organisms require the same resource that is in limited supply. –Food, shelter, light, water, mates –The strongest organism will win the competition and will be more likely to live and pass its genes on to the next generation (natural selection).

3 Important Ecological Terms  Habitat –Place or environment in which populations live  Niche –Role of a species in an ecosystem –Relationships, activities, resources used

4 Important Ecological Terms  Succession –The series of predictable changes that occurs in a community over time –Primary succession occurs on a surface where no soil exists. Example: bare rock, areas covered by volcanic ash –Secondary succession occurs in an area where a disturbances changes an existing community without destroying the soil. Example: plowed land, area burned by wildfire


6 Ecology  Ecological Succession –Primary succession Ecology Ecosystems and the Community Does Primary Succession happen here?

7 Ecology  Ecological Succession –Secondary succession Forrest Fire Tornado

8 Ecology  Ecological Succession

9 Ecology –Stages of Succession  Pioneer Stage (1 st Stage) –Lichens, decomposers, moss, ferns, grass, shrubs, animals.....etc..............

10 Ecology  Ecological Succession –Stages of Succession  Climax community –dominant organisms maintain control over ecosystem. N. Georgia Climax Community: Oak, Hickory Forrest

11 Ecology  Ecological Succession –Stages of Succession  Climax community –Pond climax –Land fills in pond

12 Ecology  Ecological Succession –Stages of Succession  Climax community –Pond climax

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