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Food Borne Illness What is it? How can we prevent it?

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Presentation on theme: "Food Borne Illness What is it? How can we prevent it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Borne Illness What is it? How can we prevent it?

2 What do I do?  Read assigned pages  Group 1- p.280  Group 2 – p 281-2  Group 3- p 284 and column 1 on p 285  Group 4- p 285 through refrigerator storage on 287  Group 5- Freezer storage when power goes out  Write down 2 important points- on notecard  Close textbook when done

3 Discuss with your group  Make sure you have your notecard  Go over what is on your cards and agree on 5 important points  Write the points on your worksheet

4 Share your knowledge  Go to assigned groups  Share your important points with your group members Now we know the focus of the week…

5 Complete the following  Skim page 280  Answer the questions in the packet  Stop when you get to Personal hygiene  (close textbook)

6 Check your work

7 What is a food borne illness?  A disease transmitted by food

8 What causes it?  Improperly prepared or stored food (how does it show up in food?)

9 What is a microorganism?  A living thing that is so small that it cannot be seen except through a microscope  Bacteria is the microorganism that causes food poisoning

10 Food safety  Following the proper procedures to keep food safe to eat  Keep yourself and kitchen clean  Don’t cross contaminate  Cook food thoroughly  Refrigerate food promptly

11 What happens if you do not follow Food safety rules?

12 What are the common symptoms?  Cramps  Diarrhea  Fatigue  Headache  Fever  Vomiting

13 When does it appear  30 minutes-30 days after eating contaminated food

14 How long does it last?  Usually 1-2 days

15 How can you prevent it?

16  A. Keep food at proper temperatures  B. Don’t leave food out for more than 2 hours  C. Don’t cross contaminate

17  D. Prepare foods properly  E. Thaw food in the microwave, refrigerator or under running water  F. Eat or freeze leftovers within 3 days

18 What foods commonly cause food poisoning?  Ice  Meat  Poultry  Eggs  Salads with Mayo

19 What are the different types?  Staphlococcal  Cramps, nausea and vomiting  Lasts 1-2 days  Appears 8-20 hours after eating  Ham, cheese salads with mayo  (typical picnic foods )

20 Salmonella  Headache, Fever  Appears the same day you ate contaminated food  Poultry, eggs, red meat, dairy products

21 Perfringens  Soups and stews  Boil for one minute

22 Ecoli  Beef  Unwashed fruits and vegetables  Dirty hands  Lasts 4-10 days

23 Listeriosis  Soft cheese  seafood

24 Trichinosis  Ham

25 Botulism  Canned food  Difficulty breathing  Blurred vision  Can cause death


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