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Christian Zeal. Mark’s Question I’ve only been a Christian for a few years, but I already feel less “on fire” than when I was first baptized… “ What can.

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Presentation on theme: "Christian Zeal. Mark’s Question I’ve only been a Christian for a few years, but I already feel less “on fire” than when I was first baptized… “ What can."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christian Zeal

2 Mark’s Question I’ve only been a Christian for a few years, but I already feel less “on fire” than when I was first baptized… “ What can I do to get that fire back?”

3 God’s Vision For A Zealous People Vision: A Clear Picture of What Could Be & What Should Be… –Nehemiah 2:15-18 God Is Calling People To Be His & To Be Like Him. –1 Peter 1:15-16, Isaiah 9:7, 59:17 God’s Vision: That Every Christian Be A Zealous Christian.

4 God’s Vision For A Zealous People God Calls Us To Be Zealous Through… Jesus’ Actions –John 2:17 Jesus’ Instructions –Revelation 3:15-16, 19 Jesus’ Mission –Titus 2:14

5 Stepping Up To The Challenge Every Christian, A Zealous Christian The Challenge: Many Who Desire To Be Zealous Don’t Know How To Build A Lasting Spiritual Fire.

6 God’s Answer Comes In His Chosen Metaphor: “zelos” Question: What does it take to keep a fire going strong? Answer: 3 Simple Things 1.Heat 2.Fuel 3.Environment

7 Three Core Components God: Our Ultimate Heat Source –Key Text: Hebrews 12:29, James 4:8 Christ’s Character: Our Perfect Fuel –Wisdom, Loving Service, Courage, Energy, & Diligence 1 Peter 2:21 Purity: Our Optimum Environment –Zechariah 13:9, 1 John 2:16

8 To Ignite & Intensify Your Zeal

9 Christian Zeal

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