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Chapter Objectives  Explain why public speakers must be audience centered.  Explain what it means to say that audiences are egocentric.  Identify the.

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2 Chapter Objectives  Explain why public speakers must be audience centered.  Explain what it means to say that audiences are egocentric.  Identify the major demographic traits of audiences.  Identify the major situational traits of audiences.  Use a questionnaire as a method of audience analysis for classroom speeches.  Explain how a speaker can adapt to the audience while preparing the speech and while delivering the speech.

3 Chapter Outline  I. Good speakers are audience-centered.  II. It is important for student speakers to approach their classmates as a real audience.  III. Good speakers understand the psychology of audiences.  IV. The first stage of audience analysis is examining demographic traits of the audience and how they might affect reception of the speech.  V. Another is examining features of the audience unique to the speaking situation.  VI. Ways to get demographic and situational information about the audience.  VII. Use the analysis to adapt the speech to listeners.

4  I. Good speakers are audience-centered.  A. They understand that the primary purpose is to gain a desired response from listeners.  B. Keep three questions in mind:  To whom am I speaking  What do I want the audience to know, believe, or do?  How can I compose and present a speech to accomplish that aim?  C. Seek to create identification with listeners by emphasizing common values, goals, and experiences.

5  II. It is important for student speakers to approach their classmates as a real audience.  A. Students may lose sight of their classmates as an authentic audience.  B. Good speakers treat classmates as worthy of their best effort.

6  III. Good speakers understand the psychology of audiences.  A. The task is to make the audience want to pay attention the message.  B. The auditory perception of audiences is always selective.  C. Audiences are egocentric.  D. Implications for speakers:  Listeners will judge a speech on the basis of what the already know and believe.  Speakers must take care to relate their messages to an audience’s existing knowledge and beliefs.

7  IV. The first stage of audience analysis is examining demographic traits of the audience and how they might affect reception of the speech.  A. Demographic audience analysis is useful and should be used properly.  Avoid stereotyping  Combine it with situational audience analysis  B. Few things affect a person’s outlook more than her or his age.  Each generation has common experiences and values.  Adapt to these experiences and values.  C. Gender issues can have strong impact.  Women and men share a broader range experiences than before.  The composition of the audience has also changed.

8  D. Sexual orientation  Avoid words and phrases that demean people on the basis of sexual orientation.  Avoid examples that may exclude listeners with same-sex partners.  E. Racial, ethnic, or cultural background or audience members.  F. Religious views  G. The group membership of an audience.  H. Other variables:  Occupation, economic position, education, intelligence, and place of residence.  Year of school, major, extracurricular activities.

9  V. Another is examining features of the audience unique to the speaking situation.  A. Size of the audience  Larger audiences usually require more formal presentations.  May also affect a speaker’s language, choice of appeals, and use of visual aids.  B. Physical setting of the speech.  Size, seating and temperature of the room.  Control the influence of physical setting.  C. Audience’s disposition toward the topic.  Interest in the topic  Knowledge about the topic.  Attitude toward the topic.  D. Audience’s disposition toward the speaker.  E. Audience’s disposition toward the occasion.

10  VI. Ways to get demographic and situational information about the audience.  A. For speeches outside the classroom, speakers often make informal inquiries about their audience.  B. For classroom speeches, students often use audience-analysis questionnaires.

11  VII. Use the analysis to adapt the speech to listeners.  A. Most of the work of audience adaptation takes place before the speech as part of the preparation process.  B. Adaptation also takes place during the presentation of the speech.

12  VIII. Gathering Materials  Speaker’s own knowledge and experience.  Library research.  The Internet is powerful, but should be used responsibly and efficiently.  Interviewing people with specialized knowledge.

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